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CH: 25 SETTLING THE WEST 1865-1896.

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A. I can explain the events that describe the relocation of Native Americans to reservations and why it was done. B. I can describe the discovery and exploitation of resources in the west. C. I know and can explain the good and bad points of farming on the Great Plains. D. I know what the Populist Party was and who created it. E. I understand the campaign issues of the Election of 1896.

3 CH: 26 SETTLING THE WEST II. The Closing of the Frontier. A. What drew people to the West? B. What was the inevitable outcome between farmers and Native Americans? C. What was the Dawes Severalty Act and what was it meant to do?

4 CH: 26 SETTLING THE WEST III. Farming A. What was the Homestead Act and what was it for? B. How did the Mechanization of Agriculture cause farmers to owe the banks back East. C. What were the positives and negatives of the railways out West for farmers? D. What was the National Grange and the Patrons of Husbandry?

5 CH: 26 SETTLING THE WEST III. The Populist Party A. What was the Populist Party and why did it form? B. Who was Eugene V. Debs and why was he important? C. Who was “General” Jacob S. Coxey and why was he important? D. What caused the Pullman Strike and what was its’ conclusion?

6 CH: 26 SETTLING THE WEST III. The Election of 1896 A. What was the Money Question? B. Briefly explain the platform of Mckinley and his opponent Bryan. C. Did the Populist Party succeed in winning anything?

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