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Poverty Today: Quiz 1 Poverty-Diseases and Solutions About Paper 1

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Presentation on theme: "Poverty Today: Quiz 1 Poverty-Diseases and Solutions About Paper 1"— Presentation transcript:

1 Poverty Today: Quiz 1 Poverty-Diseases and Solutions About Paper 1
Service Learning Poverty

2 For the quiz: 1. Put away all papers, cell phones, and clear off desks 2. Keep your eyes on your own paper 3. Any talking during a test or quiz is unacceptable   4. Use pencil, fill in the answer neatly 5. Turn in the quiz to the table and your scantron to the red folder The El Camino College faculty, staff, and administration are dedicated to maintaining an optimal learning environment. The standards of behavior as outlined above are essential to the maintenance of a quality college environment. These standards apply to all students. Consequences of NOT following guidelines: formal write up for disruption, being removed from class (if needed- by Campus Police), Grade of F on quiz, Grade of F in class, Suspension from school. Consequence of following guidelines: everyone can feel comfortable in class

3 What do you consider poor?
A) One person in the US making less than $30,000 a year B) One person in the US making less than $20,000 a year C) One person in the US making less than $10,000 a year D) One person in the US making less than $5,00o a year

4 48 Contiguous States and D.C.
How Poverty is Measured by the U.S. Census Bureau? Persons in Family Unit 48 Contiguous States and D.C. Alaska Hawaii 1 $10,400 $13,000 $11,960 2 $14,000 $17,500 $16,100 3 $17,600 $22,000 $20,240 4 $21,200 $26,500 $24,380 5 $24,800 $31,000 $28,520 6 $28,400 $35,500 $32,660 7 $32,000 $40,000 $36,800 8 $35,600 $44,500 $40,940 For each additional person, add $3,600 $4,500 $4,140 SOURCE:  Federal Register, Vol. 73, No. 15, January 23, 2008, pp. 3971–3972.

5 How is poverty measured world wide?
World Bank looks at people living at a rate $1.25 a day ($456 a year). 1.4 billion people live at this poverty line or below

6 Problems of Poverty Hunger Malaria Measles Tuberculosis AIDS Pneumonia
Diarrhea Almost all of the deaths from hunger and disease that occur word wide can be prevented.

7 Diseases and Non-profit Organizations
Poverty Diseases and Non-profit Organizations Work in groups of 5-6. Read the excerpt. Answer the following questions Poverty’s Diseases How many people die yearly worldwide? Why is it deadly? How is poverty a factor? What solutions/ treatments are there? Select 1-2 people from your group to share what you found Non-profit Organizations What is the mission of the organization? How does it work? Who does it help? Would you recommend others to donate to this organization (why or why not)? Select 1-2 people from your group to share what you found 10 minutes

8 Malaria How many people die yearly worldwide? Why is it deadly?
How is poverty a factor? What solutions/treatments are there? What else should we know?

9 Measles How many people die yearly worldwide? Why is it deadly?
How is poverty a factor? What solutions/treatments are there? What else should we know?

10 Tuberculosis How many people die yearly worldwide? Why is it deadly?
How is poverty a factor? What solutions/treatments are there? What else should we know?

11 Diarrhea How many people die yearly worldwide? Why is it deadly?
How is poverty a factor? What solutions/treatments are there? What else should we know?

12 Pneumonia How many people die yearly worldwide? Why is it deadly?
How is poverty a factor? What solutions/treatments are there? What else should we know?

13 11 million children under the age of 5 die each year because of preventable diseases and malnutrition. The chart shows the percentage of deaths that are ultimately caused by malnutrition: .

14 Feeding America
What is the mission? How does it work? Who does it help? Would you recommend others to donate to this organization? Why or why not?

15 Oxfam
What is the mission? How does it work? Who does it help? Would you recommend others to donate to this organization? Why or why not?

16 Meals on Wheels
What is the mission? How does it work? Who does it help? Would you recommend others to donate to this organization? Why or why not?

17 Wine to Water
What is the mission? How does it work? Who does it help? Would you recommend others to donate to this organization? Why or why not?

18 Solutions to Poverty Organizations mentioned are listed as Top 10 Poverty Fighting Non-Profits by Other ways to be a part of the solution: This website provides rating as well as CEO compensation

19 Distribution of wealth of Americans
(Beeghley, 2008) The wealthiest 10% of the population owns 70% of the nation’s wealth The wealthiest 1% of Americans owns 33% of the nation’s wealth

20 Poverty in the United States

21 Defining and Measuring Poverty
Poverty is the lack of resources necessary for material well-being: food, water, housing, land, and health care. Lack of resources that leads to hunger and physical deprivation is absolute poverty. Relative poverty refers to a deficiency in material and economic resources compared with some other population.

22 Causes of Poverty Functionalist Perspective
Poverty persists because it performs some positive function for society or at least some groups in society

23 Causes of Poverty Functionalist Perspective
Sociologist Kingsley Davis and Wilber Moore (1945) highly criticized view: There is a relationship between the contributions people make to society and the rewards they receive Talents are rewarded and all positions in a society (doctors and janitors alike) must be filled Poverty is society’s mechanism to discourage people from neglecting their social duties

24 Causes of Poverty Conflict Perspective
According to Karl Marx the ruling class control the economic system for its own benefit and exploits and oppresses the masses According to Marx, capitalism is a 2 class system consisting of the bourgeoisie and proletariat. The key to understanding both is the means of production. Karl Marx German Published Communist Manifesto in 1848

25 Causes of Poverty Interactionist Perspective- 1st view
People who live in poverty develop cultural orientations that help them adapt to their life circumstances in a way that allows them to still feel good about themselves. Elements of this cultural orientation make it more difficult for poor people to improve their circumstances Criticized because it seems to “blame the victim”

26 Symbolic Interactionist Perspective 2nd view
People who are labeled “poor” are stigmatized as lazy, irresponsible, lacking in motivation, ability, and morals. Wealthy people are viewed as capable, hard working, motivated, deserving of wealth.

27 2 Minute Quick Write Which explanation of poverty do you think applies best to today’s economic crisis? Why? Symbolic Interactionist: people get accustomed to living in poverty and therefore have difficulty changing the situation 2. Structural Functionalist: poverty is a functional in society, it motivates people to seek higher rewards 3. Conflict Theory: The masses are exploited by the few who have money and power Share your response with a partner

28 What is social stratification?
Institutionalized pattern of inequality Those with some social statues get more access to resources than others Reflecting inequalities in life chances based on membership in a group

29 How has U. S. policy influenced social stratification
How has U.S. policy influenced social stratification? View: The Way We Live. Ups and Downs of Social Stratification Answer questions on Video Note Taking Guide while watching

30 Assignment 4 Due Next Week
Share a label. 1 point: Be prepared to discuss a stereotype or label you feel others have of a group you belong to Does not have to be racial or ethnic group 1 point. Article reaction. 3 points: Read the article posted on the website Misconceptions About Islam Write a reaction: what 3 things stood out to you most? Questions you still have? Half a page to one page See you next week

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