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Unit 1 Preamble + Article One.

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1 Unit 1 Preamble + Article One

2 Origins of Government Why do we have a government? -Protection
Political Philosophy -People choose to be governed -Need to feel safe and secure -The people create the government -The power of the government is derived from the people -The people therefore can take that power away

3 United States Basic principles of US government -Limited government
Governments power is not absolute -What limits our government? -What are these limits?

4 Types of Government Republic…
a state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives, and which has an elected or nominated president rather than a monarch. Democracy… a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives. Autocracy… a system of government by one person with absolute power.

5 Types of Government Monarchy…
a form of government with a monarch at the head. Oligarchy… a small group of people having control of a country, organization, or institution.

6 Making the Constitution
Articles of Confederation Problems -No centralized government -States too independent

7 Making the Constitution
Constitutional Convention 1787 Key issues -State representation within the government -Virginia Plan -New Jersey Plan -Connecticut Compromise -Bicameral legislature Restricting power -Checks and balances -Separation of powers

8 Ratifying the Constitution
Federalists -Those in favor of the Constitution -Wrote Federalist Papers Anti-federalists -Those opposed to the Constitution

9 The Legislative Branch
House of Representatives Represents the people -435 members -Serves two year terms -All 435 seats are up for election every two years Each state is guaranteed representation -Number of representatives is based on the state’s population -Wyoming (least populous) – 1 -California (most populous) – 53

10 The Legislative Branch
Who can become a representative? -At least 25 years old -Must live in the district you’re running for -Been a citizen for 7 years

11 The Legislative Branch
Oklahoma’s representatives -The state has five districts -Bixby resides in the 1st District -Rep. Jim Bridenstine

12 The Legislative Branch
Leadership of the House Speaker of the House -Leader; in practice is elected by the majority party -Presides over the House when in session -Has agenda setting power (what bills will be heard) -Major role in appointing committee chairs and members -Regarding as one of the most powerful and influential positions in the government -Currently held by Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis)

13 The Legislative Branch
Majority leader -Ally of the Speaker and assists in many of their roles Minority leader -Leader of the minority party Whips -Keep tabs on how representatives will vote on upcoming bills -Acts as a go-between between the leadership and the rank and file -Both parties will have whips

14 The Legislative Branch
The Senate -Represents the states -100 members -Serve 6 year terms -1/3 of the Senate is up for election every 2 years -Each state has 2 Senators regardless of population

15 The Legislative Branch
Who can become a Senator? -At least 30 years old -Been a citizen for years -Live in the state you wish to represent

16 The Legislative Branch
Oklahoma’s Senators Junior Senator James Lankford Senior Senator Jim Inhoffe -Both are elected by the whole state -No districts

17 The Legislative Branch
Senate leadership Majority leader -Elected by the majority party Minority leader -Elected by the minority party Whips (both parties) -Same function as in the House President pro temp -Senior member of the majority party Vice President -Constitutional leader of the Senate

18 How a Bill Becomes Law Step 1 – An idea
Anyone can write a piece of legislation; congressman, lawyers, special interest groups, YOU Step 2 – Bill introduction (First Reading) Only a member of congress may introduce a bill into their respective chamber

19 How a Bill Becomes Law Step 3 – Assigned to a committee Subcommittees
Will hold hearings and conduct studies If approved, will go to full committee If not, the bill dies Full committees Will amend, rewrite, or keep bill as is If approved, will go to the full chamber (House or Senate; wherever it was introduced)

20 How a Bill Becomes Law Step 4 – Floor action (Second Reading)
Bill is debated and amendments are offered Bill, with all changes and amendments, is voted on (Third Reading) If passed, goes to the other chamber If failed, bill dies Step 5 – Introduced in other chamber

21 How a Bill Becomes Law Step 6 – Assigned to a committee (in other chamber) Subcommittees Will hold hearings and conduct studies If approved, will go to full committee If not, the bill dies Full committees Will amend, rewrite, or keep bill as is If approved, will go to the full chamber If not, the bill dies

22 How a Bill Becomes Law Step 7 – Floor Action
Bill is debated and amendments are offered Bill, with all changes and amendments, is voted on (Third Reading) If passed, goes to the other chamber If failed, bill dies Step 8 – Conference committee Goes here if the two chambers pass different versions Members of the House and Senate are on the committee Make compromises on the differences Bill dies if no compromises can be made

23 How a Bill Becomes Law Step 9 – Floor Action Step 10 – President
Bill goes back to both houses If both houses pass the SAME EXACT bill, it is sent to the President If one house fails to pass the conference committee, the bill dies Step 10 – President If signed by the President, it becomes law If vetoes by the President, it is sent back to Congress

24 How a Bill Becomes Law Step 11 – Veto Override
Congress may override a veto with 2/3 vote in both the House (290 votes) and Senate (67 votes)

25 Influencing Congress Who influences Congress? Constituents
Interest Groups Social Movements Political Party President People being represented One of the least influential Uninformed about the day-to-day activities of their representatives Very influential on controversial issues Can not be ignored when they are well informed and are actively involved

26 Influencing Congress Interest Groups
Group who are trying to influence policy on a particular issue Work within the framework of the government Lobbying Have influence due to who belongs to their group AARP – Retirees NEA – Teachers AFL-CIO – Union workers

27 Influencing Congress Social Movements
Large body of individuals who believe in a common interest Civil Rights Movement Occupy Wall Street Do NOT work within the framework of government Usually represent those who feel they haven’t been heard in the past

28 Influencing Congress Political Party President
Party leaders cannot force members to vote a certain way They do encourage Money, position in leadership, favors down the road, etc. President “Chief Legislator” Most effective when works as a facilitator

29 Congressional Campaigns
Overview What is a campaign? Organized effort to persuade voters to choose one candidate over another Purpose of campaigns To fill public office To legitimize government To ensure the government stays accountable to the people

30 Congressional Campaigns
Primaries vs. General election Primaries Voters decide which candidate will represent the party in the general election Types of primaries Open All registered voter may cast a ballot in any parties primary Closed Only registered party members may vote General Voters decide which candidate will fill public office

31 Congressional Campaigns
Who wins? Most elections aren’t close 2012 House elections – average victory margin was 31.85% Incumbents Those already holding office Won re-election in over 90% of House and Senate races in 2012 Why? Advertising Credit claiming Position taking Weak opponents Fundraising Party identification

32 Congressional Campaigns
Money Average House campaign cost 1.6 million Average Senate campaign cost 10.3 million Coattail Effect Boost for candidates from running alongside a popular President from their party Reverse effects Candidates will try to distance themselves if the President is from their party and is unpopular

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