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The Fall of the Roman and Han Empire

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Presentation on theme: "The Fall of the Roman and Han Empire"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Fall of the Roman and Han Empire

2 Two Powerful Empires What do you remember about these two Empires?
Han Empire (China) Roman Empire What do you remember about these two Empires? Brainstorm at least two facts per Empire (more if you can)

3 Two Powerful Empires Historical Background
Han Empire (China) Roman Empire Dominated Asia for more than 400 years Powerful and prosperous empire based upon Confucian ideas and education Dominated Europe for more than 500 years Powerful and prosperous Empire based on a well organized bureaucracy – founded on Roman law and classical learning Notes: -Powerful Empire based on Confucian Ideas Notes: -Powerful and prosperous empire based on Roman law and classical learning So What do you think led to their decline?

4 Han Empire (China) Historical Background
Han Dynasty – first to unite China (leader Liu Bang) Liu Bang was popular among the peasants (lowered taxes) Carefully chose who he put in powerful positions such as rich land owners When he died he left a stable and prospering kingdom behind A series of strong rulers followed Notes: -1st to unite China Liu Bang: great ruler lowered taxes

5 Han Empire (China) Economic
Over time the Han Empire continued to expand and build their armies PROBLEM WAS: Wars and large armies were expensive! Land became overpopulated It became harder and harder to make a living and pay their increasing taxes! Notes: Expansion = PROBLEMS Wars and Armies are expensive Overpopulation Harder to make a living Higher taxes

6 More trouble… Political
Less tax money meant less government services Corruption in the government left emperors weak some plotted against the emperors to weaken them Noble families tried to fix things by taking over land and forcing free farmers to work for them Population was reduced by plagues (diseases) that left less people to pay the high taxes! Peasants were NOT happy! BUT a clear line of rulers allowed emperors to maintain power! Notes: -less money = less services -corruption weakened government -noble families took over land -Population reduced by plagues -fewer people to pay taxes -clear line of rulers stabilized power

7 The final blow… Conflict
Invasion by nomadic invaders from the north and the Korean Peninsula One emperor tried to gain control back but that just led to more civil wars and unrest… No Worries: With China’s clear line of succession and strong bureaucratic system they are able to make a comeback! Notes: Nomadic invaders One emperor tried to gain control but it led to civil war/unrest China will come back

8 Turn and Talk Discuss with your partner at least three reasons why the Han Empire fell. Then determine which of these three is the most important. Be ready to explain WHY!

9 Now onto the Roman Empire…
Insert brain break here…

10 Roman Empire Historical Background
The Roman Empire was so large it was difficult for one person to control so it was divided in to two parts… Eastern Western Notes: -So large it was divided into east and west

11 Roman Empire Economic Also… Plagues hit the people of Rome hard
Less people farming and making a living so they had less money to pay taxes Taxes increased Notes: -Plagues -fewer people farming & less money to pay taxes -Taxes increased

12 Roman Empire Political
The Eastern Empire flourished while the Western Empire became weaker and weaker… The Western Empire was dealing with internal political problems and a lack of tax revenues The Roman rulers were unable to find people (bureaucrats) who could enforce their laws There was NO clear line of succession when a ruler died which led to civil wars between the people Notes: -Western Empire weakened -internal problems -lack of taxes -unable to enforce laws -No clear line of succession

13 EVENTUALLY- Roman Empire Conflict
Rome was invaded by The Huns (from Asia) and The Visigoths (Germanic tribe) EVENTUALLY- Notes: -Invaded by Huns & Visigoths -Rome is OVER! This was the END of the Roman Empire!

14 Turn and Talk Why were the Huns and Visigoths able to defeat the once powerful Romans? After the invasion of the Huns and Visigoths, why do you think that Rome wasn’t able to come back?

15 Compare and Contrast

16 The 3 Rules of a Good Thesis
1) Answers the question. Be specific. 2) Takes a position. The reader should be able to agree or disagree with your position. 3) Mentions the topics for your supporting paragraphs. Tell how your paper is going to be organized.

17 Write a thesis statement
Ticket out the Door Write a thesis statement Write a thesis statement comparing the fall of the Han and the Roman Empire! Remember the 3 Rules of a GOOD THESIS!

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