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Presentation on theme: "SERGER SAVVY."— Presentation transcript:


2 One of the best ways to extend the life of a sewn garment or craft item is to FINISH
the seams.

3 Special seams can be sewn French, Flat-Felled

4 or they can either be zig-zagged or serged.

5 The serger is also called an OVERLOCK MACHINE that STITCHES, TRIMS, &
OVERCASTS, in one step.

6 A conventional sewing machine sews from
700 – 1100 stitches/minute and a serger sews up to 1700 stitches/minute.

7 Sergers have 2 upper needles and 2 lower loopers that interlock, making stitches.


9 Sergers also have a KNIFE that trims fabric as you serge
Sergers also have a KNIFE that trims fabric as you serge. You need to be careful not to cut your fabric.

10 Our classroom sergers have 4 spools of thread that fit on spool rods
Our classroom sergers have 4 spools of thread that fit on spool rods. Always do a test run on scrap fabric to make sure the tension is correct.

11 Do not rethread the serger at any time Do not play with the tension dials

12 If you sew too fast over fabric that is too thick, you may break a needle.

13 Where should trimmed fabric be placed?

14 You’re right!

15 The hand/fly wheel should ALWAYS be turned FORWARD because sergers cannot backstitch.

16 Pins should NEVER be cut with the knife of the serger
Pins should NEVER be cut with the knife of the serger. If pins are necessary to hold the seam in place, put them 1 inch away from the cut edge.

17 When you are finished with your seam on the serger, CHAIN off for about 4” and cut the thread with scissors DO NOT cut too close to the pressure foot

18 Sergers are great machines. Remember the following:
A. Faster is NOT better. CAREFUL is. B. The serger is turned on when you start and off when you STOP. C. The threads are UNTANGLED in the thread guides. D. The needles are THREADED. E. Leave a 4 inch thread chain!!! F. You put cut seam allowances, threads, etc. in the GARBAGE.

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