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Mohawks By Ike.

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Presentation on theme: "Mohawks By Ike."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mohawks By Ike

2 Food Shelter Clothing Weapons Spirtual Needs

3 Food The Mohawks were farming people.
Men hunted deer and they planted corn, beans and squash.

4 Shelter Mohawk made log houses made of elkwood
that could be up to 100 feet long. It would fit 60 people the entire clan.

5 Clothing A Breech cloth is a long rectangular piece of tanned deerskin cloth or animal fur worn between the legs and tucked over a belt. Breech cloth left the legs bare so mohawks often wore leggings.

6 Weapons Mohawk use bow and arrows for war and hunting.
They used spears to fish and for war. They also used clubs and shields for war.

7 Spirtual Needs The mohawks used bead work and cow skin to make neckelaces They make mask covering out of string

8 Sources http.

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