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The Danish Launch Event

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1 The Danish Launch Event 2014-2020
- Lessons learned

2 What we wanted to achieve!
An event focused on getting more value for money, more jobs and growth. Inform beneficiaries about the possibilities in the two Danish OP’s for the ERDF and ESF in Inspiring beneficiaries and intermediate bodies to become more focused on creating jobs and growth – by only starting up projects with ”a chain of effects” that is well thought through. Share knowledge about what we achieved in terms of jobs and growth on a national scale in

3 What did we do? Our approach was a traditional conference
Speakers from most relevant organizations, the Commission, different Danish authorities, etc. We also heard from people who benefitted from the funds in the period. Start-ups, SME’s, key stakeholders in We made a testimonial video about the potential of the investments of the funds in We made a short – and user friendly - version of the two Danish OP’s (although not finally adopted)

4 Did we succeed? Some things went well:
We managed to announce the adoption of the Danish PA live at the event. The event was pretty much ”sold out” with lots of beneficiaries in particular. 450 people participated. The different elements of the day worked well e.g. debates on how to support startups better and how to support better education (particularly in technical colleges). Positive feedback – and there was a great demand for the materials we produced, video, leaflets etc.

5 Did we succeed (continued)
…and others not so well We had cancellations from the most prominent politicians There was little media attention

6 Main obstacles Timing – we expected that our OP’s would have been adopted by the time of our event – this did not happen. No adopted OP’s meant limitations on what we could do in terms of PR – stories with disclaimers are not particularly interesting. The result was less media interest

7 Lessons learned Make sure you’re PA and OP’s are adopted by the time of the event – it’s the most practical thing. The PA and the OP’s are not headline material on their own – at least not in Denmark. So! - prepare casestories and other material to make the event and the PA and OP’s more relevant for the media/wider public. Make sure to have enough man power to pull it off. Focus on the content – create value for the participants – inspiration, information, knowledge.

8 Video of the event

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