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Characteristics of Stars p

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1 Characteristics of Stars p. 775 - 780
Chapter 30 Characteristics of Stars p

2 What is a star? Body of gas that gives off light and heat vary in:
color size temp, composition distance brightness

3 Analyzing Starlight spectrometers separate light
spectra can tell the composition and temperature of a star

4 Star Composition Mostly hydrogen and helium

5 Star Temperature Blue – Hot Yellow - Medium Red - Cool

6 Apparent Motion of Stars
Looks like all stars are moving westward around the North Star Due to earth movement Circumpolar Stars – circle North star , never go below horizon

7 Actual Motion of Stars Rotate on Axis May revolve around another star

8 3. Revolve around center of galaxy

9 4. Some Move toward earth (blue shifted) Some move away from earth (red-shifted)

10 Distance to Stars about 9.5 trillion km/year 300,000 km/s Measured in LIGHT- YEARS or the distance that light travels in one year

11 Distance to Close Stars (within 1000 light years)
Measured with PARALLAX -shift in the apparent position of the star when viewed from different angles

12 Stellar Brightness Apparent Magnitude
- brightness as it appears from earth - more negative = brighter

13 2. Absolute Magnitude – brightness if all stars were the same distance from Earth.

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