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Stage VIII: accusative singular and plural

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1 Stage VIII: accusative singular and plural
About the Language I Stage VIII: accusative singular and plural

2 A. Accusative Singular From Stage 2 onwards, you have met sentences like these: amicus puellam salutat The friend greets the girl. dominus servum vituperabat The master was cursing the slave. pueri leonem spectaverunt The boys watched the lion. In each of these examples, the person who has something done to him or her is indicated in Latin by the accusative singular.

3 Accusative Plural In Stage 8, you have met sentences like these:
Amicus puellas salutat The friend greets the girls. Dominus servos vituperabat The master was cursing the slaves. Pueri leones spectaverunt The boys watched the lions. In these examples, the persons who have something done to them are indicated in Latin by the accusative plural.

4 C. Chart of Accusatives You have now met the following cases:
FIRST SECOND THIRD DECLENSION DECLENSION DECLENSION SINGULAR nominative puella servus mercator accusative puellam servum mercatorem PLURAL nominative puellae servi mercatores accusative puellas servos mercatores

5 D. Further examples: agricola gladiatorem laudavit. agricola gladiatores laudavit. servus agricolam interfecit. servus agricolas interfecit. centurio servos laudavit. puer actores ad theatrum duxit. senex actorem ad forum duxit. amicus fabulas narravit. amici ancillam salutaverunt. agricolae nuntios audiverunt.

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