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Presentation on theme: "POSITIVE BEHAVIOR SYSTEM"— Presentation transcript:

CHARACTER EDUCATION Ms. Riordan  Ms. Salfeety

2 OBJECTIVE To acknowledge all students that choose to act appropriately on a daily basis and to motivate those students who do not. To decrease conflicts and bullying using opportunities for students to earn recognition and rewards for demonstrating good character, positive social skills, and manners. To facilitate a positive climate in our school

3 The LION LOTTO Teachers and staff members will be provided with “Lion Lotto” tickets. Teachers have the freedom to decide what they deem is positive behavior based on an individual student basis. For example A student who completes all assignments for the week can earn a lotto ticket. We want to target and reward students who demonstrate positive behavior on a daily basis as well as provide motivation to those students that have difficulty in this area. The Lion Lotto is completely separate from the discipline system and lion lotto tickets can not be taken away from a student. Ms. Riordan will have a box for students to drop off their “Lion Lotto” tickets in her office.

4 LION LOTTO (Cont.) Students will be informed that the ONLY acceptable time to drop their raffles off is before homeroom, in between classes, during lunch and/or after school. NO late passes will be given. Every Monday during homeroom the winners of the weekly prize will be announced. Weekly small prizes consist of: free tag day, fast pass to the head of the lunch line, lunch with Mr. Riza and Guidance, letter home to parents, homework pass, teacher helper, announce the current winners over the loudspeaker during homeroom, 10th period pass to organize locker, and/or small school supplies Grand prize: $50.00 prize

5 TEACHER APPRECIATION Each student will receive a “Teacher Appreciation” ticket. This will give students an opportunity to nominate a teacher they feel has impacted them positively. Students will explain why they picked that specific teacher. There will be a winner for each grade. This will not be a lottery and will be counted. Winners will receive “lunch” or gift card, AND a free tag day of their choosing.

6 Mind Your Manners This year we will be focusing on manners and positive social skills. Ms. Riordan and Ms. Salfeety instructed students on positive manners and social skills that should be followed in the classroom, cafeteria, school bus, hallway and general etiquette. We would like to have a writing assignment relating to manners and character education given by teachers… So we are asking that English, Social Studies, Art and Music give one “DO NOW” relating to character education/positive behavior. You can be as creative as you want with your own ideas, or we would be happy to provide you with topics/ideas. Each subject would be responsible for giving the “Do Now” assignment once, on a Monday. So for example: Week 1: English Week 2: Art/Music Week 3: Social Studies

7 Keep it POSITIVE!! Do not use this system as a threat!
Lead by example and demonstrate positive social skills when interacting with students. Provide positive corrections when observing negative behavior!

8 Thank you!!!! Please contact Ms. Riordan or Ms. Salfeety if you have any questions or need any additional materials


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