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1 Performance appraisal KHum raj punjali nepal administrative staff college

2 Outline of the presentation
Concept Performance appraisal process Errors in appraisal Nepalese context

3 Concept Performance Appraisal is the systematic, periodic and an impartial rating of an employee's excellence in matters pertaining to his present job and his potential for a better job. -Flippo, Edwin Performance Appraisal is the systematic evaluation of the individual with regard to his or her performance on the job and his or her potential for development. -Dale S. Beach

4 Concept Performance appraisal is a tool for management that allows objective, fair and impartial judgment of the values of the employees to an organization. The concept of performance appraisal is based in the assumption that individuals have different capabilities and behaviors in the same job situation, hence the performance of the individual can be improved through planned and strategic intervention, performance appraisal is one of them.

5 Concept It is established concept that individuals perform better when they know they are being evaluated.

6 View on performance appraisal
The micro view is focused on an individual employee's performance of specific job. Standards of effective job performance are set and the employee's performance is evaluated compared to these standards. The macro view is focused on how the individual's job fits into the rest of the organization. Employees may have specific individual responsibilities and also serve on teams;

7 View.. therefore, an evaluation of an employee's job performance should include individual and team performance simultaneously.

8 General objectives of Performance Appraisal
To keep and update records in order to determine compensation packages, wage structure, salary raises, etc. To identify the strengths and weaknesses of employees and to implement right men on right job. To maintain and asses the potential of a person.

9 General.. To provide a feedback to employees regarding their performance, To use as a basis for influencing working habits of the employees, To review and retain the promotional and other training programs, To make other managerial and administrative decisions which are essential for the development of an individual and organization.

10 Methods of performance appraisal
Some traditional and modern methods are in existence, Traditional methods include: Ranking method Paired comparison Grading method Forced distribution/choice method Checklist method

11 Methods.. Modern methods include Critical incidents method Easy method
Field review method Confidential report Modern methods include Management by Objectives Behaviorally anchored rating scale(BARS)

12 Methods.. Assessment centers 360-degree appraisal

13 Some steps for performance appraisal
Job design Goal setting Preparation of work plan Establish performance standards on individual basis Communicate performance expectations to employees Measure actual performance Compare actual performance with the standards

14 Some.. Discuss the appraisal with the employee
If necessary, initiate corrective action

15 Rating errors in Performance Appraisal
leniency- too many high ratings severity-too many low ratings central tendency- rating at middle of the scale halo effect-ratings with certain impression recency- focus only on recent performance similarity-are rated more favorably if they are similar in background, attitudes, or other characteristics with the rater.

16 Nepalese Context In accordance with the civil service act, each employee must be handed over with a job description and a list of performance indicators while giving him a transfer or placement letter. Each head of office is required to introduce result- oriented annual work plan for each employee under one's jurisdiction on the basis of job descriptions and allocation of responsibilities.

17 Nepalese.. The government can place a civil servant to a position after signing a work performance agreement on the basis of the job description and nature of the work. In accordance with good governance regulations, 2064, functions have been prioritized based on their urgency.

18 Nepalese.. Performance evaluation systems in Nepalese organizations are mandatory. On the basis of job description indicators for evaluation are to developed,

19 Nepalese.. Performance evaluation is considered as " main factor" for promotion, while factors like education, training, experience of geographical regions and seniority are considered "complimentary factors". The civil service regulations require the civil servants to specify their annual goals and targets for performance appraisal.

20 Nepalese.. In our case performance appraisal is more experimental.
In 2025 BS- it was 100 out of 300 marks for promotion, In 2028 BS- it was 120 out of 660 marks for promotion, In 2035 BS- it was 120 out of 470 marks for promotion,

21 Nepalese.. In 2040 BS- it was 112 out 300 marks for promotion,
In 2049 BS- it was 50 out of 100 marks for promotion and Since 2055 it is 40 out of 100 marks for promotion.

22 Nepalese.. Officers are reviewed on half yearly and annual basis, but only annual review for non-officers, Annual review should be made on the basis of half- yearly review, Supervisors and reviewers can be taken action if they do not evaluate their subordinates on time, Concerned employee can see his number upon request, but review committee's mark is secret,

23 Nepalese.. Concerned employee can complain against supervisor or reviewer, and numbers can be amended in some cases, If supervisor and reviewer have to give more than 95 or less than 75, than they have to state the reason, In case of marks less than 75, concerned employee should be informed, Review committee can send back the form if it sees some discrepancies,

24 Nepalese.. Rule 9 of civil service regulation states:
Indicators should be prepared for all jobs, Those who do not prepare indicators can be punished, Supervisors have to appraise on the basis of those indicators,

25 Some issues The results of performance appraisal are not used in terms of career development, reward management and employee training and development. Neither it has been used for transfer and group change and punishment. The results are mostly used to decide whether to promote employees or not. The system lacks transparency, which gives rooms for discrepancy, arbitrariness and subjective evaluation.

26 Some.. Lack of performance appraisal standards and indicators paves the ways for subjective evaluation. Lack of objectivity has led to uniform evaluation, which has deteriorated the morale of good performer as there is no distinction between better and worse. Normally all employees get 100 % mark, but the reason given is limited in few words. But there is exception in some ministries, where getting 100% mark seems a big thing.

27 Some.. Time, quantity, quality and resources used for any outcome are bases for evaluation, but these inputs have not been considered while making evaluation. In several cases, real supervisor doesn't supervise his or her subordinate. Same tendency is with review committee, which is far away from the individuals whose performance is being evaluated.

28 Some.. Review committee is the key for the promotion of any employee.
There are instances of tampering and misplacing of evaluation forms. There is no compatibility between half-yearly and annual evaluation form. Undue influence of non-supervisors in performance evaluation.

29 Some.. According to Nepal Police Regulations, 2071, Performance appraisal carries 40% out of 100 marks for promotion. But the review committee has 10 marks. Likewise APF Regulations, 2072 also has made the same provision. In both police forces it seems that the number of promotion committee plays major role for promotion instead of number of performance appraisal

30 Some.. As the committee can give up to 7.5 in case of Nepal Police and 5 for APF.

31 Some suggestions Preparation of objective job description will help improve the system. Development of standards and indicators is the key for making system objective. Performance agreement can help to evaluate objectively. External evaluation of officials from the clients and stakeholders in addition to the evaluation by supervisors can help make evaluation objective to some extent. Use of evaluation for other purposes in addition to promotion, i.e; training, transfer, reward and punishment will increase the importance of evaluation system.

32 Some.. Separate form for different services based on the nature of job can be more practical. A written secret report from previous supervisor to the present one can be made mandatory. We can re-think about the weightage it carries in total marks for promotion. Visible disciplinary action should be taken to the supervisors for making discriminatory evaluation. Minimum and maximum range given to the supervisors should be narrowed.

33 Some.. Concerned supervisor should evaluate the subordinate whatever services he/she is from. The number given to review committee in case of Police Forces should be changed.

34 Thank you and best wishes

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