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English I – CP 9/9/11 Agenda: 1) 9/11 free write

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1 English I – CP 9/9/11 Agenda: 1) 9/11 free write
Please take out: Notebook, assignment notebook Learning objective: Understanding the 4 major types of conflict in literature Agenda: 1) 9/11 free write 2) 4 major types of conflict 3) Begin reading “The Line of Beauty” Homework: Finish reading “The Line of Beauty” and be ready to discuss on Monday. Come up with 2 statements you agree and disagree with. Also find examples of conflict (i.e. Man vs. Society)

2 9/11 free write Where were you during the September 11th attack on the United States? What do you remember? Has anyone in your family (parents, older sibling, uncle) ever talked to you about 9/11? If you can’t remember much, write about what you are thankful for. What are you proud of? You can write about you, your family, friends, etc.

3 4 Major Types of Conflict

4 Man vs. Man Man vs. Man occurs when a character (man or woman) has an argument, disagreement, or any other kind of “beef” with another character.

5 Example of Man vs. Man No other presidential race has been parodied more than the George Bush vs. Al Gore debacle in The dimpled chad was made famous in Florida during this election.

6 Man vs. Nature A conflict of Man vs. Nature occurs when a character has a problem with outside forces: weather, animals, land, etc.

7 Example of Man vs. Nature
In 1992 Chris McCandless decided to travel the United States and live off the land. He later died in Alaska. This is the last picture he took of himself. His story was written by Jon Krakauer titled Into the Wild.

8 Man vs. Self Man vs. Self occurs when a character develops an internal struggle between his thoughts and ideas. This can be a result of other conflicts mentioned.

9 Example of Man vs. Self Chuck Palahnick wrote Fight Club which was later turned into a movie in The protagonist, Tyler Durden, has a split personality and believes his alter ego is another person he interacts with!

10 Man vs. Society The conflict between Man vs. Society occurs when a character disagrees with societal values, laws, or beliefs.

11 Example of Man vs. Society
LeBron James decided to leave his hometown team, Cleveland Cavaliers, and play with the Miami Heat. He decided to keep everyone guessing until the last possible minute (including his own team!) Man up LeBron, man up.

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