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Tonga By Hailie and Bridget.

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Presentation on theme: "Tonga By Hailie and Bridget."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tonga By Hailie and Bridget

2 Land of Tonga Did you know that Fonusfo`ou is the strangest island because it went under the ocean 5 times 120 years ago.

3 The king 2. Tonga is owned by the king of Tonga. They have festivals for his birthday.

4 School of Tonga 3.Children must go to school until they are 14.

5 House of Tonga 4.Did you know a Tongan house is made out of coconut fronds and Tonga has beautful gardens.

6 Queen 5.Tonga has a sign which is for the queen who died in 1965 people were sad for 6 months.

7 Finding Tonga 6.When people found Tonga they brought in a double boat garden plants, bread, fruit, banna, coconut trees, chickens and dogs.

8 Animals 7. Did you know people hunted humpback whales! If your lucky you can go and see it get caught!

9 Games 8. Pani is a very popular game because people have played it for many years.

10 Tonga sport 9. Tongas fav sport is rat shoot bows and arrows it was only played in early tonga.

11 THE END Thank you for watching

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