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Elements of Design Form Line Shape Value Texture Color Space Principals of Design Balance Contrast Emphasis Movement Pattern Rhythm Unity Pen and Ink.

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Presentation on theme: "Elements of Design Form Line Shape Value Texture Color Space Principals of Design Balance Contrast Emphasis Movement Pattern Rhythm Unity Pen and Ink."— Presentation transcript:

1 Elements of Design Form Line Shape Value Texture Color Space Principals of Design Balance Contrast Emphasis Movement Pattern Rhythm Unity Pen and Ink Art I Studio: Students will create a drawing rendered with pen and ink, based on a theme of “Something Old and Something New” History: Student will be introduced to the work of Giovanni Piranesi Criticism: STANDARD ONE: Students will understand and use visual arts as means for creative self-expression and interpersonal communication. A. Analyze how visual arts may express concepts, tell stories, evoke moods or emotions, and symbolize ideas. B. Communicate personal ideas, experiences, or emotions through a variety of visual art media, processes and techniques. C. Use artwork which communicates an understanding of themes or concepts from other disciplines. STANDARD TWO: Students will understand the media, techniques and processes used in the production of visual arts. A. Analyze the various media and processes used in creating a variety of art forms. B. Analyze a variety of techniques which give artwork definition and detail. C. Determine and apply the appropriate compositional elements and organizational principles to solve specific visual art problems. STANDARD THREE: Students will understand the relationship between visual arts and history, culture, and society. A. Analyze how the visual arts record, preserve, highlight and symbolize the history of humanity. B. Analyze the role of visual arts in reflecting and influencing the culture and societies in which they are created. C. Analyze the influence of significant artists on the evolution of the various forms of visual arts. STANDARD FOUR: Students will demonstrate a capacity for critical and sensitive response to various visual arts experiences. A. Evaluate works of art in terms of artistic concepts, ideas, or intentions using criteria appropriate for the style or form. B. Justify visual art preferences using personal aesthetic criteria. C. Evaluate the quality and effectiveness of personal artwork using specific criteria. Lesson by Chad Nelson BVHS Art Dept.

2 Giovanni Battista Piranesi ( ) was an Italian artist famous for his etchings of Rome and of fictitious and atmospheric "prisons“.



5 Cross hatching: The practice of overlapping parallel sets of lines in drawing to indicate
lights and darks, or shading. The greater the line density the greater he value Cross Contour: A line that crosses and defines the surface undulations between, or up to, the outermost edges of shapes or objects

6 Thematic Development Something Old and Something New Students will combine these two concepts into a believable and unified image using pen and ink. This assignment will focus on a balanced composition, the use of line, and expressing different values with hatching lines.





11 The Louvre Museum in Paris, France, is the most visited and one of the oldest, largest and most famous art galleries and museums in the world.

12 Venus De milo Nike of Samothrace

13 Five Aspects Core Shadow Highlight Cast Shadow Halftone
Reflected Light

14 References “Piranesi the Prisons” by Dover Books
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