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Bellringer: Jan. 29 Do you believe the film has made its argument that life at SeaWorld is dangerous and that SeaWorld lies about the dangers? Why or.

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Presentation on theme: "Bellringer: Jan. 29 Do you believe the film has made its argument that life at SeaWorld is dangerous and that SeaWorld lies about the dangers? Why or."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bellringer: Jan. 29 Do you believe the film has made its argument that life at SeaWorld is dangerous and that SeaWorld lies about the dangers? Why or why not?

2 Identify one example of pathos in your assigned section.
Reading the Rebuttal In your groups, decide on one piece of evidence from your assigned section which discredits the film. Identify one example of pathos in your assigned section.

3 Does the rebuttal work? Based on your analysis of the film and your analysis of the rebuttal, who is more convincing? Why?

4 Writing the response You are writing a persuasive essay. You must choose a side. Does the flim make a convincing argument or does it fail to make a convincing argument?

5 A convincing argument has
Credibility Reasons and evidence which build together to prove the point The emotions of the audience on its side.

6 If the argument does not have all three, it is not convincing.

7 Identify the best piece of evidence from the film
What is it? What does the rebuttal say about it?

8 Who are the sources the film uses the most?
For each person, what are their credentials? What does the rebuttal say about that person?

9 Emotions? Where in the film are our emotions the strongest?
How do we feel at the end? What does the rebuttal say about the film’s manipulation of our emotions?

10 Using the organizer.

11 What is DUE next class? Just bring back the material from this lesson, especially today’s class.

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