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Hertfordshire County Council Adult Care Services ADULT SOCIAL CARE AND HEALTH PANEL 17th April 2007 Supporting People Strategy Consultation.

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Presentation on theme: "Hertfordshire County Council Adult Care Services ADULT SOCIAL CARE AND HEALTH PANEL 17th April 2007 Supporting People Strategy Consultation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hertfordshire County Council Adult Care Services ADULT SOCIAL CARE AND HEALTH PANEL 17th April 2007 Supporting People Strategy Consultation

2 Hertfordshire County Council Supporting People – what is it? National programme Commissions housing related support Implemented locally by County Council as Administering Authority Partnership – HCC, district/borough councils, PCTs and Probation

3 Hertfordshire County Council What is housing related support? Support which is provided to help people live in their own home Not the housing itself and not care services For example: Support provided by wardens in sheltered housing Community alarms Staff in hostels for homeless people or in refuges for people fleeing domestic violence

4 Hertfordshire County Council Scope of Supporting People £21million per annum 109 providers, 559 services Mainly accommodation based 21 client groups Preventative focus – should support all partners to achieve strategic aims

5 Hertfordshire County Council Audit Commission Inspection May 2006 Report November 2006 Poor service with promising prospects Service Improvement Plan Five year strategy inadequate Eligibility Value for Money Re-inspection late 2007/early 2008

6 Hertfordshire County Council Strategy Consultation April & May 2007 Service users and carers through existing groups Stakeholders Providers of housing related support Commissioning Body – sign off in June 2007 Cabinet – July 2007 Other partners formal processes July-September 2007 Action Plans Risks

7 Hertfordshire County Council Older People Sheltered accommodation – reduce spend by 10% Extra care – increase Continue to invest in community alarms and Home Improvement services Develop floating support This area will be a priority

8 Hertfordshire County Council People with mental health problems More housing related support is needed More equitable spread across county required Joint commissioning approach required Cross-over with drug and alcohol support Develop floating support Key part of Investing in Your Mental Health

9 Hertfordshire County Council People with Learning Disabilities HCC is a large provider of services in this area Budget implications for ACS – SP eligibility criteria change Joint commissioning approach required – address inconsistencies SP strategy to work alongside ACS accommodation strategy – year on year growth in demand Self-contained accommodation with support Very close link to care services Floating support especially for people with low needs Plan for support needs of older people with learning disabilities

10 Hertfordshire County Council People with physical/sensory disabilities Increase in housing related support required Focus on suitable housing and promoting independence – self-contained accommodation Continue to invest in Home Improvement services All services need to be able to support people with sensory disability

11 Hertfordshire County Council Homeless People Major cross-cutting issue, many people can become at risk of homelessness Need more housing related support Shifts in provision – hostels Large cross-over with young peoples services Developing floating support a priority

12 Hertfordshire County Council Substance Misuse Drugs – need to increase housing related support Alcohol – need to increase housing related support considerably Overlaps with mental health Generic floating support less likely to be suitable

13 Hertfordshire County Council Offenders and those at risk of offending Ensure providers can respond to the needs of offenders/those at risk of offending Develop floating support Ensure a better spread of provision across the county

14 Hertfordshire County Council Young People Accommodation Services for Young People project Local Area Agreement – an agreed priority Ensure services including floating support are available across the county Develop high needs services in East Herts & Three Rivers Increase crisis accommodation and support

15 Hertfordshire County Council People escaping domestic violence Support provided in womens refuges No current services for men BVPI – Hertfordshire has less provision that the target Increased housing related support required including floating support Local services are not the only factor since these are places of safety

16 Hertfordshire County Council Gypsies and Travellers Increased housing related support required alongside increased site provision HCC a provider of services Access to housing related support is not currently equitable Floating support required – some may need to be specialist Regional work being explored

17 Hertfordshire County Council Other Vulnerable People Refugees People with HIV/AIDS People who are socially excluded or otherwise vulnerable Floating Support critical to meet these needs

18 Hertfordshire County Council Summary – Clear Priorities Shift the pattern of services and spend on housing related support Develop floating support Market test more services through competitive tendering Commission less housing related support in sheltered accommodation for older people Commission more housing related support for frail older people (extra care)

19 Hertfordshire County Council Summary – Possible Next Steps? Mental health and young peoples work to continue as priorities Next priority areas (years 2 and 3) likely to be: people with alcohol problems, homeless people, offenders, gypsies and travellers, those with physical and sensory disability Then, years 4 & 5 – learning disability, people with drug problems, domestic violence

20 Hertfordshire County Council Responding to the Consultation HCC as a provider of housing related support HCC as the Administering Authority HCC as a commissioning partner Panel to comment on proposed consultation process and content of consultation document prior to Commissioning Body and Cabinet approval

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