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Hall Lane, RM14 1AU Hall Lane Mini Golf Course

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1 Hall Lane, RM14 1AU Hall Lane Mini Golf Course
Cranham Residents Association

2 P Hall Lane Miniature Golf Course Hall Lane Upminster RM14 1AU Outline planning application for the demolition of all buildings and structures on site, and redevelopment of the site providing up to 48 residential dwellings, creation of a new highway access, public open space and landscaping and related infrastructure Submissions Deadline: 22nd March 2019 Decision Date: 23rd April 2019


4 Surrounded by Hall Lane Policy area DC69
4.5  The Council will resist any proposals for flats or large scale development within Zone B which would detract from the established character of the area, particularly those above existing densities or resulting in loss of existing landscape features or open areas.

5 Application details 3.51 hectares 90 parking spaces are proposed
98 Cycle spaces Walls, roof, windows, boundary treatments, vehicle hard standings, lighting – all to be confirmed Mains sewer Flood risk Drainage Trees & hedges Biodiversity and Geological Conservation Walls etc. all to be confirmed Sewer – connecting to the existing system It is not within an area at risk of flooding – Environment Agency’s Flood Map Sustainable drainage system Recognises that the trees or hedges on the land adjacent to the proposed development site could influence the development or might be important as part of the local landscape character. Recognises that that protected and priority species could be on adjacent land or near the proposed development

6 Proposed Housing – Financial Viability Assessment
It is worth noting the proposal for 4 5 bed houses for rent! There will be no affordable housing. The money will be transferred to Mercury Land Holdings Ltd to be used for affordable housing elsewhere in the borough

7 Grounds for refusal There was no public consultation for change of land use and disposal as part of the new Local Development Plan Impact on the public highway with increased traffic Impact on local infrastructure e.g. GP practices Ignores Policy 3 Housing Supply Ignores Policy 18 Open space, sports and recreation Ignores Policy 29 Green Infrastructure Ignores Policy 30 Nature Conservation Ignores Policy 33 Air Quality Minimising Carbon Dioxide Emissions suggested to be being considered however this is an increase to the area lack of trees increased vehicular access

8 Contd. Grounds for refusal
Preliminary Ecological appraisal commissioned in August 2018 – no public consultation on land disposal at that point or there after Preliminary Ecological appraisal does not include detailed surveys of the site Change of use and loss of public open space Loss of high quality mature trees Not taken due account of the tree survey and need for protections Loss of wildlife habit and feeding grounds e.g. Nesting birds, bats No details provided on sustainability e.g. Energy efficiency, charging points, solar

9 Contd. Grounds for refusal
Transport statement fails to recognise new council policy to introduce CPZ’s Feasibility Cost Estimate does not reflect market value Lack of inclusion of golf in the borough playing pitch strategy or open space strategy Lack of inequalities assessment Discriminatory removal of affordable and accessible golf Parks and open space by laws prohibit golf in other spaces – club costs! No consideration for the history, culture and character of the area No assessment of the lands potential for parks & open space and the potential value as open green space for health & wellbeing as identified in the draft local development plan and Joint Strategic Needs Assessment

10 Cabinet Report 13th March 2019
(a) Agree, in principle, that the land referred to below is no longer required to be held for the purposes for which the council presently holds it and that it should be appropriated to planning purposes with a view to its subsequent disposal in due course (b) Authorise, for the purposes of (a) above and in accordance with section 122(2A) Local Government Act 1972 and section 233(4) Town and Country Planning Act 1990 that notices are placed in a local newspaper circulating in the area for two consecutive weeks expressing (i) an intention to appropriate the land to planning purposes; and (ii) an intention to dispose of the land following its appropriation. (c) Consider any objections to the intended appropriation and/or disposal before a decision to appropriate or dispose is made. (d) Agree, in principle, following tis appropriation for planning purposes, to the disposal of the land referred to above subject to (b) and (c) above

11 Mitigation Increase in public open space to the front of the proposed development Reduction in house numbers Design out flats from the site Change 5 bedroomed rental properties to sale – not affordable under universal credit Lighting impact measures Retention of trees – registration of Tree Preservation Orders (TPO’s) Retain in public ownership the front area for public open space

12 How can I make an objection? In search bar type P 2nd link down OcellaWeb Deadline 22nd March Planning Department Mercury House Mercury Gardens Romford RM1 3SL Havering Local Plan Proposed Submission Version

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