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November Journals.

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Presentation on theme: "November Journals."— Presentation transcript:

1 November Journals

2 November 2, 2015 Word of the day: ambition Sentence:
Journal: Who or what gives you courage?

3 November 3, 2015 Word of the day: Challenge Sentence:
Journal: Give an example of a detour you might encounter during high school?

4 November 4, 2015 Word of the day: Serenity Sentence:
Journal: I won’t give up on my dreams because……

5 November 5, 2015 Word of the day: Confront Sentence:
Journal: Why is it worth it to stay in school?

6 November 6, 2015 Word of the Day: efficient Sentence:
Journal: How could you make better use of your time?

7 November 9, 2015 Word of the Day: median Sentence:
Journal: If you woke up tomorrow and discovered that everything in life was now free, what is the first thing you would do?

8 November 10, 2015 Word of the Day: Obligation Sentence:
Journal: If you had been able to choose, would you rather have been an only child or part of a very large family?

9 November 12, 2015 Word of the Day: Debilitate Sentence:
Journal: Complete this thought: “I wish I had paid more attention when….”

10 November 13, 2015 Word of the Day: Debilitate Sentence:
Journal: Complete this thought: “I wish I had paid more attention when…”

11 November 16, 2015 Word of the Day: References Sentence:
Journal: Would you be a good boss someday? Why or why not?

12 November 17, 2015 Word of the Day: Mentor Sentence:
Journal: One person I need to say thank you to is….

13 November 18, 2015 Word of the Day: Affirmation Sentence:
Journal: What affirmations have you told yourself today?

14 November 19, 2015 Word of the Day: Affirmation Sentence:
Journal: What affirmations have you told yourself today?

15 November 20, 2015 Word of the Day: Ethic Sentence:
Journal: What does the phrase “good work ethic” mean to you?

16 November 30, 2015 Word of the Day: Overwhelming
Journal: Describe a time you felt overwhelmed.

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