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Bell Ringer: Monday, January 9th

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1 Bell Ringer: Monday, January 9th
Copy down today’s word: Refute (verb – action word) Definition: To prove something/someone to be wrong; disprove Sentence: After presenting a counterargument in the first paragraph of my essay, I will refute it with strong reasoning. So far, you have TWO vocabulary words: PENULTIMATE and REFUTE. Use PENULTIMATE correctly in an original sentence.

2 Educators and lawmakers argue the benefits and flaws of standardized testing. Tests such as the ACT writing exam, argue some educators, do not offer students an authentic writing experience due to the limitations of time, not knowing the writing audience, and the confines of providing students with one writing topic. Lawmakers and universities argue that all students across the country must be assessed by the same standards to ensure fair entrance into colleges and universities. They also argue that students with successful argumentative writing skills should be able to perform under time constraints. In your opinion, are standardized writing tests a fair assessment tool for students?


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