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Attention 3rd Grade Parents

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1 Attention 3rd Grade Parents
Third Grade Gazette Anniston Elementary February 11-15, Week 3.6 A Peek at the Week: Math: I can use a ruler to measure objects and display data on a line plot. (3.MD.4) Reading: Language: I can determine the meaning of words using affixes. (L.3.4b) Science: I can identify the three major types of rock by using their properties. (E.3.7a) Attention 3rd Grade Parents Beginning this year, your child will start taking the Mississippi Academic Assessment Program (MAAP).  MAAP tests English Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics for grades 3-8 and Science in grades 5 and 8. In addition to meeting all academic requirements at AAE, your child must “pass” the MAAP ELA assessment to be promoted to the 4thgrade. This means that out of the 5 performance levels on the assessment, your child must score a level 3, which differs from previous years, where it was a level 2 to be promoted. A very important meeting will be held in January to provide you with up-to-date information about your child's individual progress and the MAAP ELA assessment.  Please begin to monitor your child's daily work, homework, assessments, and weekly folder. If you have questions or concerns, please contact to your child’s teacher. Did You Know… Some sedimentary rocks are edible!! Igneous rocks help us make our countertops. Obsidian is one of the only glassy igneous rocks. A few pyramids are made out of limestone, a sedimentary rock. Dates to Remember: February 15th: Fun Run Kick Off February 15th: Deadline to purchase yearbooks March 1st: AAE Fun Run March 4-6th: Mardi Gras Holidays (no school)

2 Multiplication Practice
Homework Monday February 11, 2019 Tuesday February 12, 2019 Wednesday February 13, 2019 Thursday February 14, 2019 Reading: Math: Multiplication Practice Parent Signature X ____________ X ________________ X _________________ Friday February 15, 2019 Comments: Math: morning work due and lesson quiz Language: skill quiz Spelling: quiz Reading: tiger time work due; skill quiz Science: quiz

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