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Food Chains, Food Webs and Energy Pyramids

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Presentation on theme: "Food Chains, Food Webs and Energy Pyramids"— Presentation transcript:

1 Food Chains, Food Webs and Energy Pyramids

2 Food Chains Use pictures or words and arrows to show the movement of energy through the trophic levels of organisms. The trophic level of an organism indicates the position that the organism occupies in the food chain—what it eats and what eats it.

3 The levels are numbered according to how far the particular organism is along the chain from the primary producer at Level 1, to herbivores (Level 2), to predators (Level 3), to carnivores or top carnivores (Levels 4 or 5).


5 Food Webs Describe the organisms found in interconnecting food chains using pictures or words and arrows. Food webs describe the complex patterns of energy flow in an ecosystem by modeling who consumes whom or what.


7 Food Web

8 Energy Pyramids An energy pyramid is a graphical representation of the energy flow in an ecosystem. The amount of energy that moves from one trophic level to another in an energy pyramid is not the same. Energy availability decreases as it moves up the energy pyramid. The most energy is available at the producer level of the pyramid.

9 Energy Flow With regard to energy flow with in an ecosystem, the sun produces 100% of the energy but only 10% is used by producers during photosynthesis. The other 90% is lost to heat in the environment. At each trophic level, only 10% of available energy from the previous level is transferred

10 Energy Pyramid

11 Vocabulary in notebook
Rewrite the definitions in your own words. Include a drawing Food chain Food web Energy pyramid

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