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Exploration and Empire

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1 Exploration and Empire




5 God, Glory, and Gold Monarchies strong enough to pursue power New inventions

6 Portuguese first Prince Henry the Navigator (1394-1460)
Started sailing south Dias Vasco da Gama Tried to Destroy Muslim monopoly on spice trade And Venice Established holds in spice islands Thanks to guns and better boats

7 Spanish Maritime Empire
Involved in exploration Columbus Magellan Conquistadors Cortes Pizarro


9 Spanish Empire Governing the Empire Society Viceroyalties
Crown claimed 1/5 of all precious metals (quinto) Discouraged native industries Society Peninsulares (born in Spain) Creoles (Spanish, but born in New World) Mestizo (mix of Spanish and Native) Mulattoes (European and African descent) Native American/African

10 Spanish Empire Encomienda system Brought religion
Conquistadors could demand labor from natives Bartolome de las Casas Brought religion Catholic church established churches and dioceses Jesuits Established toe hold in Philippines

11 Challenges to Spain Pirates Inflation Lack of middle class
Privateers (Dutch, English, French) Inflation Lack of middle class

12 Establishment of Empires
Mercantilism One country’s wealth can only be increased at the expense of another’s Export more than you import Monarchs and merchants are closely tied

13 Portugal Began to dominate Indian Ocean Trade
Da Gama Brazil discovered by mistake in 1500 Named after brazil wood (dyes) Needed laborers Slaves Later, the Portuguese turned to sugar More slaves


15 Portuguese empire will be challenged
Disease, shipwreck, battles Portugal too small; empire too large

16 English Empire Challenge Portugal in India British East India Company
1608 Landed in India (Dutch will challenge in East Indies as well)

17 England will establish sugar plantations in the Caribbean
Jamaica, Bahamas American colonies (1607) Will join and dominate slave trade

18 French Empire Canada – New France Islands in Caribbean (Haiti)
Traded fur Islands in Caribbean (Haiti) Sugar plantations

19 Indian Ocean Trade (After 1500)
Portuguese first English

20 Russia

21 The Mongols an INVADING force, not a RULING force.
Russian princes in charge of local affairs, but had to acknowledge Mongols as their overlords and pay heavy tribute. Mongol Rule Tolerated religion Taught them what absolute rule was. Taught them to centralize power Cut them off from the rest of Europe

22 Moscow (1200) became powerful under Golden Horde
Russian Orthodox Church Ivan I and Ivan III led rebellions against Mongols Ivan III (the Great) conquered most of the Golden Horde Called himself Czar Framework for Absolute leadership Much of Northern Russia conquered

23 Ivan the Terrible Grandson of Ivan the Great 1547-1584
Further United Russia Established absolute rule Limited power of nobles Officially crowned tsar (Czar) Further bound serfs to their land Used Russain orthodox church Married daughter of last emperor of Byzantines (Anastasia)

24 Ivan the Terrible Became mad (after 1560) Autocracy Killed his own son
Agents of terror (oprichniki) to enforce his will They sacked towns and killed people suspected as disloyal Killed boyars Many fled (joined Cossacks) Autocracy

25 Common people believed autocratic government the only way
But they will hit trouble when there is no powerful tsar Romanov Dynasty ( ) After time of troubles Michael Romanov elected leader Continued expansion

26 Peter the Great Expanded Reformed (weakened) Russian Orthodox Church
Modernized (In his case, this meant westernize)

27 Peter the Great Forced boyars (nobles) to serve the state
Shave their beards; wear western clothes Forced public interaction between genders Protected their interests Ensured serfs were bound to their land

28 Western ideas flow into Russia for the first time

29 Absolute Ruler In an absolutist state, kings asserted that they were chosen by God and responsible to him alone Exclusive power to make and enforce laws No checks on power


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