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Gendering the Indian Act

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Presentation on theme: "Gendering the Indian Act"— Presentation transcript:

1 Gendering the Indian Act

2 Gendering the Indian Act Lecture Outline
Background to the Indian Act 2. Gender discrimination in the Indian Act - status & marriage - education - governance 3. Conclusion

3 Numbered Treaties

4 What is the Indian Act? 1876 Act – consolidation of previous Acts
1763 Royal Proclamation Ideas about ‘Britishness’

5 Duncan Campbell Scott Deputy Superintendent of Indian Affairs ( ) Poet & author Goal: assimilation of aboriginal people

6 Indian Act, 1876 Main goal: Assimilation of Aboriginal people through:
Paternalistic rules & regulations Marriage Education enfranchisement Governance

7 Gender Discrimination in the Indian Act
Determining who is and isn’t legally an Indian Marriage: women could gain or lose status through marriage Ignored traditional matrilineal and matriarchal customs

8 Gender & the Residential School System
Residential Schools: 1870s – 1980s Indian Act mandated enrollment & attendance Cornerstone of the drive to assimilate Curriculum – very gendered

9 Gendered Curriculum - Boys

10 Gendered Curriculum - Girls

11 Christianity & Domesticity ?

12 Governance Indian Affairs chose what positions could be filled
Only men over 21 could vote or run for a position on band council Indian Affairs controlled elections Band councils had minimal power

13 Conclusions Women disempowered in many ways by the Indian Act
- Through marriage, and education & also politically Women resisted the Indian Act in formal & informal ways - participating in banned customs, advising band councils, challenging the Act in the court system & at the international level

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