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Vocabulary 6.

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1 Vocabulary 6

2 Vocabulary 6 plethora: (adj.) superabundance, lots and lots bustle (v.) scurry, move in a hurry cronies: (n.) friends, buddies conversed: (v.) talked together casually score: (n.) a group of twenty giddily: (adv.) in a dizzy way nonchalantly: (adv.) casually, indifferently quashed (v.) squashed, cancelled, stopped swooned (v.) fainted mocked: (v.) made fun of

3 Vocabulary 6 Alluring- (adj.)appealing, tempting
Cognizant- (adj.) aware of; to know of something Collaborate (v.)- cooperate; work together Comely (adj)- attractive; suitable Crass (adj.)- tactless, rude, gross Craven (adj.) cowardly Entice (v.)- persuade, draw, invite

4 Flagrant (adj.)- blatant, obvious
Irate (adj.)- angry, incensed, enraged Obsession (n.)- fixation, constant thoughts about something Profound (adj.)- deep, thoughtful; of significance Sinister (adj.)- threatening, evil, creepy Stolid (adj.)- dull, impassive, boring Prefix- di-/dia through, thorough, across diagonal Suffix- phobe one who fears arachnophobia Root- ver true verify

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