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What gives a movie distinction…

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Presentation on theme: "What gives a movie distinction…"— Presentation transcript:

1 What gives a movie distinction…
Morality in Movies What gives a movie distinction…

2 Morality What is morality? Is morality the same for everyone?
Morality is a sense of good and bad Is morality the same for everyone? What did the survey say about your classmates? Were they different from yours? Morality

3 Absolute Morality – there is always a clear “right” and “wrong”
Moral Relativism – every person has a different “right” and “wrong” Moral Character – when a character follows his or her morals Immoral Character – when a character betrays his or her morals Who decides a moral character – the audience or the movie writer? Kinds of morality

4 Virtues and Vices Ethics – doing the right thing
Virtue – something that is a good characteristic Vice – similar to a sin or bad characteristic Three main ideas for ethics: Deontology – doing one’s duty; consequence doesn’t matter Consequentialism – every virtue has a good consequence Virtue Ethics – fundamental truths (justice, courage, piety, and wisdom); everyone and every society should strive for these Virtues and Vices

5 Characters and morality
Completely moral – they have no vices; completely good Generally moral – want to be good; have some vices that they don’t want Neutral – neither moral or immoral Generally immoral – have a little bit of desire to do good but generally does bad Completely immoral – only commits vices; completely evil Characters and morality

6 Superman Completely Moral Why is he considered like this?

7 Tony Stark Generally Moral Why is he considered like this?

8 Treebeard Neutral Why is he considered like this?

9 Loki Generally Immoral Why is he considered like this?

10 The Joker Completely Immoral Why is he considered like this?

11 How do movies depict morals?
Colors Color symbolism Music Music symbolism Actions Actions based on ethics Mood How does the movie show a scene? – 56:59 How do movies depict morals?

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