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Miss Rajchel and Mr Walker

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1 Miss Rajchel and Mr Walker
Spring Term Class K Miss Rajchel and Mr Walker Science This half term’s topic is ‘Electricity’ and children will be working together in teams to research, design and produce a prototype for a design that incorporates light, sound and motion – ready to be judged before a Dragons’ Den-like panel! History Pupils will be studying the Ancient Shang Dynasty as part of our focus on Great World Civilisations. They will be looking at the significance of their religious beliefs and practices, the development of their written language and the importance of using a range of sources to draw conclusions about the lives of the Ancient Shang people. Celebrate! Pupils will be looking at Chinese New Year celebrations this half term and creating some fantastic dragon based artwork. MFL Children will be doing French and working on ‘l’école’ (school). They will be learning how to talk about the subjects they study and the days of the week. P.E. This half term, we will be exploring a range of activities in P.E. This will help pupils to develop their coordination, teamwork skills and spatial awareness. Homework Maths and English homework is sent out on alternate weeks on a Tuesday and is due in the following Monday. Home Reading To ensure that your child makes great progress in reading, we ask that they read at home every day. We will be sending home book bags from next week and children will have a reading record which they will need to get signed by an adult to record the reading they have done. If you have any questions on how to support your child with their reading, please speak to your child’s class teacher. PSHE Our PSHE focus this term is drug, alcohol and tobacco education. Children will be learning about the effects of each, raising awareness of potential risks.

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