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UNRAAVEL -A Reading Strategy.

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Presentation on theme: "UNRAAVEL -A Reading Strategy."— Presentation transcript:

1 UNRAAVEL -A Reading Strategy

2 The Steps Underline the title. Now predict the passage.
Run through and number the paragraphs. Are you reading the questions? Are the important words circled? Venture through & read the passage. Eliminate incorrect answers. Lets the questions be answered.

3 UNRAAVEL Have students write UNRAAVEL on their paper so that they can mark out the letter as they complete the step.

4 U: Underline the title Read the title when you are underlining it.
This activates prior knowledge. This step prepares you to make predictions & connections.

5 N: Now predict the passage
Ask yourself “What do I think this passage will be about?”. Use your prior knowledge. Use pictures, charts, or graphs if there are any available.

6 R: Run through and number the paragraphs
This helps you to locate the answers. This helps you to organize your thoughts.

7 A: Are your reading the questions?
This helps you know what to look for. This saves you time so you don’t have to hunt for answers. DO NOT answer the questions yet!

8 A: Are the important words circled?
Look for keywords & vocabulary. This helps you stay focused on reading. This helps you top locate answers quickly. These are often the “answers.”

9 V: Venture through and read the passage
Read the passage carefully Reread if needed

10 E: Eliminate the wrong answers
Cross out any silly answers Cross out answers that you know are wrong This gives you less choices. This makes it easier to locate the correct answer.

11 L: Let the questions be answered
Answer the questions Write the paragraph number where you found the answer

12 Ace that Test

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