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William Huang Housing Director

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1 William Huang Housing Director 1.28.19
Heritage Square South Development Process and Authorization to Negotiate a Development Agreement with BRIDGE HOUSING William Huang Housing Director

2 Recommendation Find that the proposed action is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”) in accordance with State CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3), the “general rule” that CEQA only applies to projects that may have an effect on the environment; and

3 Recommendation Authorize City Manager to enter into negotiations with BRIDGE HOUSING to become the developer for a mixed-use project on the City-owned property known as Heritage Square South without competitive selection based upon the best interests of the City, as set forth in the staff report, and to return to City Council with a proposed Development Agreement after completion of a community outreach process. Competitive bidding is not required pursuant to City Charter Section 1002(F)(Professional or Unique Services)

4 Project Description Council approved project description on December 17, 2018 10,000 – 15,000 SF of first floor retail 65-70 permanent supportive senior housing units on two floors above the retail Surface and subterranean parking

5 BRIDGE HOUSING Negotiate Development Agreement w/ BRIDGE HOUSING
Engage BRIDGE HOUSING directly based on the City’s Best Interests BRIDGE HOUSING developed, owns and operates Heritage Square North Senior Apartments Mixed-use and supportive housing experience Reduces time to deliver urgently needed housing by at least 12 mos. compared to an RFP process Provides opportunities for savings by sharing parking, common areas, social services and staff

6 Heritage Square Senior Apts
70 units Award-winning On-Time, On-Budget Local Benefits 20.2% local hire 38.9% local subcontracting 81.3% local purchasing Pasadena-based development team members: construction manager, landscape architect, structural engineer, civil engineer, service provider and project superintendent

7 Heritage Square Senior Apts
Initial Lease-Up 100% came from a Pasadena address 71% came from Council Districts 1,3 & 5 33% African American 25% Hispanic/Latino 22% White including Armenian 20% Asian





12 BRIDGE Housing Mixed Use
Cazenave Apartments San Francisco 120 PSH units 3 retail spaces (confections and coffee, strength training, restaurant)





17 Celadon Retail Tenant

18 North Beach Place Retail Tenant

19 Mandela Apts Retail Tenant

20 Coronet Apts Retail Tenant

21 Community Outreach Identify and meet separately with stakeholders
Adjacent resident associations, faith-based orgs, schools, childcare centers, homeowner associations, and surrounding businesses and residents Advisory Project Working Group 1 - District 3 NW Commissioner, 1 – District 5 NW Commissioner, 2 - nearby business owners, and the Housing Director Working Group members to be selected by the Housing Director Input on project design, retail tenant preferences, house rules & security measures Public Approval Process Northwest Commission (advisory only) Edtech (recommendation) City Council (approval)

22 Preliminary Timeline # of Months Task 2 Form Working Group 6
Community Outreach, Negotiations w/ BRIDGE HOUSING, City Council Approval of Development Agmt 10 Design Review & Approval 7 County & State Funding Commitments Plan Check Approval 35 Total Months to Start Construction

23 Potential Funding Sources
Capital Commercial Space Conventional Loan Supportive Housing City (land write down), County (NOFA), State (NPLH), 4% Tax Credits, Tax Exempt Bonds Rental Subsidy City or County Project Based Section 8 Case Management Services Measure H

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