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Management Stephen P. Robbins Mary Coulter

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1 Management Stephen P. Robbins Mary Coulter
Terms to Know

2 Chapter 1 : Introduction to Management and Organizations
manager management roles first-line managers interpersonal roles middle managers informational roles top managers decisional roles management technical skills efficiency human skills effectiveness conceptual skills planning organization organizing universality of management leading controlling

3 Chapter 2 : Management Yesterday and Today
division of labor (or job specialization) open systems contingency approach Industrial Revolution workforce diversity scientific management entrepreneurship therbligs e-business (electronic business) general administrative theory e-commerce (electronic commerce) principles of management bureaucracy intranet quantitative approach learning organization organizational behavior (OB) knowledge management Hawthorne Studies quality management system closed systems

4 Chapter 2: Management History
division of labor (or job specialization) organizational behavior (OB) Industrial Revolution Hawthorne Studies scientific management system therbligs closed systems general administrative theory open systems principles of management contingency approach bureaucracy quantitative approach

5 Chapter 3 : Organizational Culture and Environment: The Constraints
omnipotent view of management specific environment general environment symbolic view of management environmental uncertainty environmental complexity organizational culture stakeholders strong cultures socialization workplace spirituality external environment

6 Chapter 6 : Decision Making
unstructured problems decision-making process Non programmed decisions problem certainty decision criteria risk rational decision making uncertainty bounded rationality directive style satisfying escalation of commitment analytic style intuitive decision making conceptual style structured problems behavioral style programmed decision Heuristics procedure rule policy

7 Chapter 8 : Foundations of Planning
single-use plan goals standing plans plans traditional goal setting stated goals means-ends chain real goals management by objectives (MBO) framing mission strategic plans commitment concept operational plans formal planning department long-term plans short-term plans specific plans directional plans

8 Chapter 11 & 12: Organizational Structure and Design
organizing chain of command organizational structure authority organizational design responsibility work specialization unity of command departmentalization span of control functional departmentalization centralization decentralization product departmentalization employee empowerment geographical departmentalization formalization mechanistic organization process departmentalization organic organization customer departmentalization cross-functional teams

9 Chapter 11 & 12 cont. unit production virtual organization
mass production network organization process production learning organization simple structure organizational chart functional structure divisional structure team structure matrix structure project structure boundaryless organization

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