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Math Review #1 Jeopardy Adding and Subtracting Integers

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Presentation on theme: "Math Review #1 Jeopardy Adding and Subtracting Integers"— Presentation transcript:

1 Math Review #1 Jeopardy 10 20 30 40 50 Adding and Subtracting Integers
Multiplying & Dividing Integers Rational Numbers and Decimals Unit Rates Proportions and Percent 10 20 30 40 50

2 When there are 2 negatives in a row, change it to a _________.

3 When adding integers with DIFFERENT signs, keep the sign with the _____________ absolute value.
Category GREATER

4 Use the sign of both integers for the sum when adding integers with the ___________ sign.
SAME Category

5 To add integers with ____________ signs, subtract and use the sign of the integer with the greater absolute value for the sum. DIFFERENT

6 The distance a value is away from zero.
What is the definition of Absolute Value?? The distance a value is away from zero.

7 The product of 0 and any other integer is ____.

8 The product of two integers with OPPOSITE signs is __________.

9 The product of two integers with the SAME sign is __________.

10 The Order of Operations says to _________ or __________ before adding and subtracting.

11 What would be the first step in the following expression?
Multiplying 3x2 Multiplying and Dividing comes first, and then you work from LEFT to RIGHT.

12 A rational number can be written as a ____________ of two integers.

13 Rational Numbers as decimals can be terminating decimals or __________ decimals.

14 *When ADDING decimals, make sure to __________ ___ the decimals.
*The product of 2 decimal values has the _________ number of values behind the decimal as the 2 values together. Line Up; SAME

15 A, C, D

16 a.) b.) .25 c.) .5 d.) .75

17 A _______ _______ has a denominator of 1 unit and is a comparison of two quantities that have different units. UNIT RATE

18 A ______________ relationship has two quantities where the rate of change is constant, or the ratio of one quantity to the other is constant. PROPORTIONAL

In the equation y=kx, the variable k is called the ____________. It represents the constant rate of change or constant ratio between x and y. CONSTANT OF PROPORTIONALITY

20 The constant of proportionality, or the value k = ?

21 Does the following graph represent a proportional relationship or not?
YES. It does go through the origin!

22 *Percent increase describes how much a quantity __________ in comparison to the original amount.
*Percent decrease describes how much a quantity __________ in comparison to the original amount. INCREASES DECREASES


24 ______________ price + amount of markup.
Retail price = ______________ price + amount of markup. ORIGINAL

25 _________ ___________ = Original price – amount of markdown (discount)
Sale Price

26 Interest = principal (dollars) x rate (%) x _______ TIME (years)

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