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The Open Grid Services Architecture, Version 1.0 I. Foster, H. Kishimoto, A. Savva, D. Berry, A. Djaoui, A. Grimshaw, B. Horn, F. Maciel, F. Siebenlist,

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Presentation on theme: "The Open Grid Services Architecture, Version 1.0 I. Foster, H. Kishimoto, A. Savva, D. Berry, A. Djaoui, A. Grimshaw, B. Horn, F. Maciel, F. Siebenlist,"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Open Grid Services Architecture, Version 1.0 I. Foster, H. Kishimoto, A. Savva, D. Berry, A. Djaoui, A. Grimshaw, B. Horn, F. Maciel, F. Siebenlist, R. Subramaniam, J. Treadwell, J. Von Reich Presented by Oscar Valdivia

2 OGSA Introduction Grid Grid systems and applications aim to integrate, virtualize, and manage resources and services within distributed, heterogeneous, dynamic virtual organizations Items needed Computers, application services, data, and other resources need to be accessed within different organizations Standardization Open Grid Services Architecture (OGSA) Is a service-oriented architecture (SOA), that addresses the need for standardization by defining a set of core capabilities and behaviors that address key concerns in Grid systems SOA: A perspective of software architecture that defines the use of services to support the requirements of software users. Enables the creation of applications that are built by combining loosely coupled and interoperable services

3 OGSA Document Outline Requirements Based on requirements, use cases, technical challenges, previous experience, state of the art in related work. Capabilities Translates the requirements into a coherent set of capabilities that collectively define OGSA. 1. Describe infrastructure services and assumptions that constrain development of the OGSA design. 2. Refinement of the required functionality into capabilities: Execution Management, Data, Resource Management, Security, Self-Management and Information services.

4 Requirements Base input on the following Use Cases: Commercial Data Center (CDC) Virtual Organization (VO) Grid Portal Severe Storm Modeling Persistent Archive Online Media and Entertainment Mutual Authorization National Fusion Collaboratory (NFC) Resource Usage Service Service-Based Distributed Query Processing IT Infrastructure and Management Grid Workflow Application Use Cases Grid Resource Reseller Reality Grid Inter Grid The Learning GRID Interactive Grids HLA-based Distributed Simulation Grid Lite GRID based ASP for Business Grid Monitoring Architecture

5 Requirements - Characteristics Interoperability and Support for Dynamic and Heterogeneous Environments Resource virtualization. Resource Sharing Across Organizations Common management capabilities Optimization Quality of Service (QoS) Assurance Resource discovery and query Job Execution Data Services Standard protocols and schemas Security Administrative Cost Reduction Scalability Availability Ease of Use and Extensibility Interoperability and Support for Dynamic and Heterogeneous Environments Resource Sharing Across Organizations Optimization Quality of Service (QoS) Assurance Job Execution Data Services Security Administrative Cost Reduction Scalability Availability Ease of Use and Extensibility Interoperability and Support for Dynamic and Heterogeneous Environments Global name space Resource Sharing Across Organizations Metadata services Optimization Quality of Service (QoS) Assurance Site autonomy Job Execution Data Services Resource usage data Security Administrative Cost Reduction Scalability Availability Ease of Use and Extensibility Analysis of the previous use cases led to identify the following characteristics Interoperability and Support for Dynamic and Heterogeneous Environments Resource Sharing Across Organizations Suppliers-Side Optimization Optimization Quality of Service (QoS) Assurance Consume-Side Optimization Job Execution Data Services Security Administrative Cost Reduction Scalability Availability Ease of Use and Extensibility Interoperability and Support for Dynamic and Heterogeneous Environments Service level agreement Resource Sharing Across Organizations Service level attainment Optimization Quality of Service (QoS) Assurance Migration Job Execution Data Services Security Administrative Cost Reduction Scalability Availability Ease of Use and Extensibility Interoperability and Support for Dynamic and Heterogeneous Environments Support for various job types Resource Sharing Across Organizations Scheduling Optimization Quality of Service (QoS) Assurance Resource provisioning Job Execution Data Services Security Administrative Cost Reduction Scalability Availability Ease of Use and Extensibility Interoperability and Support for Dynamic and Heterogeneous Environments Data access Resource Sharing Across Organizations Data consistency Optimization Quality of Service (QoS) Assurance Data persistency Job Execution Data Services Data integration Security Administrative Cost Reduction Data location management Scalability Availability Ease of Use and Extensibility Interoperability and Support for Dynamic and Heterogeneous Environments Authentication and authorization Resource Sharing Across Organizations Multiple security infrastructures Optimization Quality of Service (QoS) Assurance Isolation Job Execution Data Services Delegation Security Administrative Cost Reduction Security policy exchange Scalability Availability Intrusion detection, protection, and secure logging Ease of Use and Extensibility Interoperability and Support for Dynamic and Heterogeneous Environments Policy-based management Resource Sharing Across Organizations Application contents management Optimization Quality of Service (QoS) Assurance Problem determination Job Execution Data Services Security Administrative Cost Reduction Scalability Availability Ease of Use and Extensibility Interoperability and Support for Dynamic and Heterogeneous Environments Management architecture Resource Sharing Across Organizations Optimization High-throughput computing Quality of Service (QoS) Assurance Job Execution Data Services Security Administrative Cost Reduction Scalability Availability Ease of Use and Extensibility Interoperability and Support for Dynamic and Heterogeneous Environments Disaster recovery Resource Sharing Across Organizations Optimization Fault management Quality of Service (QoS) Assurance Job Execution Data Services Security Administrative Cost Reduction Scalability Availability Ease of Use and Extensibility Interoperability and Support for Dynamic and Heterogeneous Environments Mask Complexity Resource Sharing Across Organizations Users can choose level of interaction Optimization Quality of Service (QoS) Assurance Extensible policies and mechanisms Job Execution Data Services Extensible and replaceable core system Security Administrative Cost Reduction Scalability Availability Ease of Use and Extensibility

6 Capabilities - OGSA Overview OGSA is intended to facilitate the seamless use and management of distributed, heterogeneous resources. Three major logical and abstract tiers. Conceptual view of Grid infrastructure

7 Capabilities - OGSA Framework

8 Capabilities - OGSA Infrastructure Define a coherent and integrated set of components that collectively address the requirements identified previously. Within SOA context. OGSA Builds and contribute Web Services Architecture [WS- Architecture]. Service interfaces are defined by the Web Services Description Language (WSDL). XML for description and representation SOAP as the primary message exchange format for OGSA services WS-I for service definition WS-Security WS Resource Framework (WSRF) for state representation and manipulation WS-Notification

9 OGSA Capabilities Security Cross-organizational users Trust nobody Authorized access only Security Cross-organizational users Trust nobody Authorized access only Information Services Registry Notification Logging/auditing Information Services Registry Notification Logging/auditing Execution Management Job description & submission Scheduling Resource provisioning Execution Management Job description & submission Scheduling Resource provisioning Data Services Common access facilities Efficient & reliable transport Replication services Data Services Common access facilities Efficient & reliable transport Replication services Self-Management Self-configuration Self-optimization Self-healing Self-Management Self-configuration Self-optimization Self-healing Resource Management Discovery Monitoring Control Resource Management Discovery Monitoring Control OGSA OGSA profiles Web services foundation Source: OGSA keynotes 20060510 H. Kishimoto

10 CDL 3. Select from or deploy required resources Execution Management The basic problem Execute and manage jobs/services in the grid Select from or provision required resources The basic problem Execute and manage jobs/services in the grid Select from or provision required resources 2. Submit the job 1. Describe the job JSDL Job 4. Manage the job Source: OGSA keynotes 20060510 H. Kishimoto

11 EMS Services Resources Service Container Persistent State Handle Service (PSHS) Job management and monitoring services Job Job Manager Resource selection services Execution Planning Services (EPS) Candidate Set Generator (CSG) Reservation services

12 EMS Services Interactions with the rest of OGSA Deployment & Configuration Service Naming Information Service Monitoring Fault-Detection and Recovery Services Auditing, billing and logging services Accounting

13 Issues Find Describe Access Data Formats Protocols Use cases Data Move/Copy/Replicate Metadata Data Manage Common access Data Services The basic problem Manage, transfer and access distributed data services and resources The basic problem Manage, transfer and access distributed data services and resources Derived dataCatalog SensorData stream Text file Relational database Source: OGSA keynotes 20060510 H. Kishimoto

14 Data Services Data Service n Data Service 1 Data Service 2 Composite Data Services Replication Cache Federation Source: OGSA keynotes 20060510 H. Kishimoto

15 Data Services Functional Capabilities Transparency and Virtualization Client APIs Extensible data type support and operation Data Location Management Simple Access Queries (Structured Access) Transformation Data Update Security Mapping Extensions Data Resource Configuration Metadata Provenance Properties Scalability Quality of Service Coherency Performance Availability Legal and Ethical Restrictions

16 Data Services Interactions with the rest of OGSA Transactions Logging Execution Management Services Workflow Provisioning Resource Reservation Discovery Security Network management Naming Notification

17 Resource Management Services Management of the resources themselves Management of the resources on Grid Management of the OGSA infrastructure Model

18 Resource Management Services Interactions with the rest of OGSA Information Services Execution Management Services Data Services Self-Management Services Infrastructure Security Properties Scalability Interoperability Security Reliability

19 Security Services Objectives Enforcement of security-related policy in a VO Span multiple administrative domains Integrate and make interoperable unify popular security models, mechanisms, protocols, platforms, and technologies Implementation-agnostic Extensible and Integratable

20 Security Services Model Security policies are statements about entities, interaction mechanisms and contexts The model defines the security services as entities with interaction patterns that facilitate the administration, expression, publishing, discovery, communication, verification, enforcement and reconciliation of the security policy

21 Security Services Functional Requirements Authentication Identity mapping Authorization Credential conversion Audit and secure logging Privacy Interactions with the rest of OGSA All of OGSA services Can be a consumer of other services (E.g. Data Services)

22 Self-Management Monitoring Projection Analysis Action Policy SLA Self-configuration: Automatically adapt to changes in the environment: e.g. Deploy/undeploy resources as load changes Self-configuration: Automatically adapt to changes in the environment: e.g. Deploy/undeploy resources as load changes Self-optimization: Automatically tune system to best meet user or business needs Uses service-level agreements (SLAs) Self-optimization: Automatically tune system to best meet user or business needs Uses service-level agreements (SLAs) Self-healing: Automatically detect & correct problems Component failures Security violations etc. Self-healing: Automatically detect & correct problems Component failures Security violations etc. Source: OGSA keynotes 20060510 H. Kishimoto Basic Properties Service Level Agreement Policy Service Level Manager Model

23 Self Management Services Functional Requirements Service level management Monitoring Analysis and projection Action Policy and Model based Management Entitlement Planning Capacity Management Provisioning Properties Availability Security Performance

24 Self Management Services Interactions with the rest of OGSA Discovery Logging and monitoring Resource reservation Workflow Composition Security Resource management

25 Information Services Execution management Resource reservation Problem determination Accounting Application monitoring Load balancing Service discovery Consumers Information Services Reliable Secure Efficient Provide management and access facilities for information about applications and resources in the grid environment Producers Asynchronous notification Retrieval Registry Logger Source: OGSA keynotes 20060510 H. Kishimoto

26 Information Services Functional Requirements Naming scheme Human-oriented name Abstract name Address Discovery Message delivery Logging Monitoring General Information and Monitoring service

27 Information Services Interactions with the rest of OGSA Standard event data models Notification mechanisms Security services Replication

28 Agnostics Questions 1. How does OGSI relate to IGSA? 2. QoS is stated as a requirement, but isnt this an implicit requirement for all computer systems. So how is it addressed in OGSA that makes it important to single out? 3. Keeping tabs on resources using XML messages sounds good, but what happens when the resource state information is too complex and makes the messages too big and cumbersome? As you know parsing and working with large SOAP messages is not efficient at all. Specifically, any ideas on how to make this a more efficient process? 4. Service discovery is mentioned as an existing facility, but service discovery is limited to the facilities each organization provides at this moments. Any ideas on how his could be streamlined and standardized? 5. In capabilities (section 3) the specification mentions self-management. Does this imply that OGSA also specifies a standard for all Grid Services to be Autonomic Systems? 6. Why where those specific Use Cases chosen? 7. Is this really an Architecture or more like a grouping of many different services?

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