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Lecture 15 CSE 331 Oct 4, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Lecture 15 CSE 331 Oct 4, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lecture 15 CSE 331 Oct 4, 2010

2 Announcements Final exam: Dec 14, 3:30pm-6:30pm, Knox 104
Mid term: Oct 18, in class Graded HW 2 on Wed: sorry!

3 not student post category

4 Determining connectivity in graphs
s t Are s and t connected?

5 Brute-force algorithm
List all possible distinct vertex sequences between s and t n! such sequences Check if any is a path between s and t

6 Algorithm motivation all

7 Distance between u and v
Length of the shortest length path between u and v Distance between RM and BO? 1

8 Questions?

9 Breadth First Search (BFS)
Is s connected to t? Build layers of vertices connected to s Lj : all nodes at distance j from s L0 = {s} Assume L0,..,Lj have been constructed Lj+1 set of vertices not chosen yet but are connected to Lj Stop when new layer is empty

10 Exercise for you Prove that Lj has all nodes at distance j from s

11 Given BFS, how to decide if s is connected to t?

12 BFS Tree BFS naturally defines a tree rooted at s Add non-tree edges
Lj forms the jth “level” in the tree u in Lj+1 is child of v in Lj from which it was “discovered” 1 7 1 L0 2 3 L1 2 3 8 4 5 4 5 7 8 L2 6 6 L3

13 Connected Component Connected component (of s) is the set of all nodes connected to s

14 Algo to compute the connected component of s?

15 Today’s agenda Every edge in is between consecutive layers
Computing Connected component

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