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Reconstruction and Its Aftermath

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1 Reconstruction and Its Aftermath
Chapter 17 Reconstruction and Its Aftermath

2 Reconstruction: failure-of-reconstruction

3 Chapter 17: Section 1 Reconstruction
Period of rebuilding throughout the South Agency that helped former slaves transition to freedom Confederate sympathizer that assassinated Lincoln in 1865 Abolished slavery in all parts of the United States Freedmen’s Bureau John Wilkes Booth 13th Amendment

4 Lincoln Assassination

5 Chapter 17: Section 2 Black Codes
14th Amendment 15th Amendment Southern laws that aimed to control and exploit African Americans Granted full citizenship to all people born in the United States Granted the right to vote to any male citizen regardless of race, color, or previous servitude

6 Chapter 17: Section 3 Ku Klux Klan Sharecropping
Secret society organized to prevent African Americans from exercising their rights system where a farmer works the land for an owner in return for a share of the crops

7 Ku Klux Klan

8 Chapter 17: Section 4 Compromise of 1877 Deal that settled the presidential election of and ended Reconstruction

9 Chapter 17: Section 5 Jim Crow Laws
Plessy v. Ferguson Laws that required whites and African Americans to be separated in most public places Supreme Court case that ruled segregation was legal




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