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agenda *Othello - Discuss/Quotes Act IV, Scene iii

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1 agenda *Othello - Discuss/Quotes Act IV, Scene iii
- Watch Acts III/IV (45ish minutes) - Othello Claim writing evaluation - Start Group work – Thematic Concepts/Big Ideas in Acts III & IV HW: Quiz, Acts III & IV tomorrow

2 Reminders 3/7/18 Othello Quiz, Acts III & IV – tomorrow, 3/8
Vocab Quiz Unit 8 – Friday, 3/9 Othello Unit Test In-Class Essay test Thursday, 3/15 M.C. portion (50 questions), Monday, 3/19 **Need a copy of A Thousand Splendid Suns by Monday, March 19 – the first 3 chapters will be due Tuesday, 3/20

3 othello *Othello - Discuss/Quotes Act IV, Scene iii
- Watch Acts III/IV - Othello Claim writing evaluation - Start Group work – Thematic Concepts/Big Ideas in Acts III & IV

4 Evaluate Claims Evaluate each of the claims based on the following prompts: How does Iago develop over the course of the play thus far? OR How does Othello develop over the course of the play thus far?

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