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Mark Twain Day 13, Chapters 8-11.

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1 Mark Twain Day 13, Chapters 8-11

2 Do Now Vocabulary check worksheet

3 Theme study: Love Chalk Talk strategy SILENT ACTIVITY
You will take turns commenting on either the initial question or someone else’s comment How do you think love is communicated today in our world? And/or What do you do to show somebody you like them?

4 Setting: Sense Appeal Setting is the background for the aciton of a story Physical location: geography, climate, and types of buildings Time: season and historic period, for example Atmosphere: social, cultural, and emotional conditions, characters’ manner of life, for example One way an author makes setting come alive is by using descriptions that appeal to the senses

5 Sense Appeal Read the following passages
Complete the chart by listing descriptions in the column that shows which sense it appeals to Include a total of five examples for each passage Touch Sight Sound

6 Passage 1 The air was utterly dead. There was not a breath stirring. It was the sleepiest of days. The drowsing murmur of the five and twenty scholars soothed the soul like the spell that is in the murmur of the bees. Away off in the flaming sunshine, Cardiff Hill lifted its soft green side through a shimmering veil of heat, tinted with the purple of distance; a few birds floated on lazy wing high in the air; no other living thing was visible but some cows, and they were asleep. Tom’s heart ached to be free, or else to have something of interest to do to pass the dreary time.

7 Passage 2 Then he took himself to his seat, rested his elbows on his desk and his jaws in his hands, and stared at he wall with the stony stare of suffering that has reached the limit and can no further go. His elbow was pressing against some hard substance. After a long time, he slowly and sadly changed his position, and took up this object with a sigh. It was in a paper. He unrolled it. A long, lingering, colossal sigh followed, and his heart broke. It was his brass andiron knob!

8 Chalk Talk Revisited The problems Tom and Becky encounter still happen today What are theh gender roles of booys and girls and how do they play a part? Is Tom a gentleman? How does Tom fit the male role at the time? Is his role different than a male’s today? Is Becky’s role different than a female’s role today?

9 Homework For each passage read during class, imagine something that could appeal to the sense of smell. Add two sentences to each passage describing the smell or smells.

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