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2018–19 Every Student Succeeds Act Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) Kelley.

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Presentation on theme: "2018–19 Every Student Succeeds Act Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) Kelley."— Presentation transcript:

1 2018–19 Every Student Succeeds Act Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI)

2 Agenda Eligibility CSI Funding • Funding Requirements
• Allowable and Disallowable Activities and Costs Cathy

3 Which Schools are Eligible for CSI?
Two groups of schools are eligible for CSI: • All high schools with graduation rates below 67 percent • At least the lowest-performing five percent of Title I schools How often are schools identified for CSI? Identification process occurs once every three years • First identification based on 2018 California Dashboard results • Schools may exit CSI Status each year. Cathy

4 Identification of Title I Schools for CSI
Title I schools with the following color combinations found on the California Dashboard are identified as CSI: • Schools with all red indicators • Schools with all red but one indicator of any other color • Schools with five or more indicators where majority are red • Schools with all red and orange indicators Cathy

5 Identification of High Schools for CSI
Any high school with a graduation rate less than 67 percent, averaged over two years, is eligible for CSI -Based on the graduating classes 2017 and 2018 All high schools (Title I, non-Title I, traditional, and Dashboard Alternative School Status) are eligible for identification -Identification is based on school level performance (“All Students”) Cathy

6 The SPSA Serves as the CSI Plan
The plan must: Be informed by all indicators, including performance against state-determined long-term goals. Include evidence-based interventions. Be based on a needs assessment. Identify resource inequities, which may include a review of LEA and school level budgeting to be addressed in the plan. Cathy The district provides oversight and guidance for CSI schools (not the County or the State), with connection to the LCAP as the LEA plan The district’s LCAP will identify: Schools eligible for CSI; Indicators for which they were identified eligible; The improvement plans for the schools, and how the district plans to monitor for effectiveness The Board of Education adopts the LCAP in June (and by extension, the CSI plans) Sacramento County Office of Education approves the LCAP in August and recommends it to the State Board of Education State Board of Education approves in October 2019.

7 SPSA Prompts for CSI Schools
The following prompts are a requirement of CSI identification: Purpose and Description with Alignment to the LCAP Stakeholder Involvement Resource Inequities Cathy & Kelley Pull out SPSA Template

8 CSI Funding: Allowable Activities and Costs
Funds must only be spent on CSI strategies and/or activities directly related to the following school improvement activities: • Capacity building • Plan development and implementation, including: Identification/development of evidence-based interventions, strategies, and/or activities Using data to develop, implement, monitor, and evaluate improvement efforts Kelley

9 CSI Funding: Allowable Activities and Costs
The intent of CSI funding is to assist in the development systems that are sustainable and that directly impact student achievement. PD provided by SCOE or curriculum publishers Development of staff’s Cultural and Linguistically Responsive Pedagogy Kelley Sustainability

10 CSI Funding: Disallowable Activities and Costs
Funds provided under this grant shall not be used for the following purposes: • Hiring additional permanent staff • Supplanting of existing funding and efforts, including costs otherwise necessary to operate a school without these funds • Acquisition of equipment for administrative or personal use • Furniture • Food • Purchase or rental of space Kelley

11 CSI Funding: Disallowable Activities and Costs
Funds provided under this grant shall not be used for the following purposes: Purchase of promotional favors, such as bumper stickers, banners, pencils, pens, or T-shirts Subscriptions to journals or magazines Travel outside of the United States Acquire, maintain, repair, or upgrade any machinery, land, or facilities Payment for memberships in professional organizations Kelley

12 Questions? Concerns! Feedback. Cathy and Kelley

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