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Money and Campaigning Mr. Hector Ocampo.

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Presentation on theme: "Money and Campaigning Mr. Hector Ocampo."— Presentation transcript:

1 Money and Campaigning Mr. Hector Ocampo

2 A Vice-President is meant to balance the president
Recap A Vice-President is meant to balance the president The White House staff is meant to help advise and inform the president Ways and Means Committee shapes tax policy The popularity of a president tends to dwindle during the course of time

3 Money talks, so talk more bucks
The role of money in politics in unquestionable More money= better campaign

4 Federal Election Campaign Act
Created in 1973, main goals were to limit campaign spending and tightening spending requirements Created the FEC (federal election committee) -> 6 member bi-partisan organization that enforces campaign laws Presidential Election Campaign Fund -> money for qualified presidential candidates. This money comes from an optional $3 in the income tax

5 FECA (cont.) Partial campaign funding for primaries
Matching funds -> contributions up to $250 matched by the government Full financing for major candidates in general election Obama v McCain Full disclosure Limited contributions Up to $1000 (1972) then to $2000 (2004) and then to $2300 (2008, because of inflation)

6 S & J (2 min) What is this cartoon saying about money?
This cartoon is saying that money _________________ According to the cartoon, what does money do to democracy? According to the cartoon, money impacts democracy by _____________

7 TSP (1 min) What is this cartoon saying about money?
This cartoon is saying that money _________________ According to the cartoon, what does money do to democracy? According to the cartoon, money impacts democracy by _____________

8 Soft Money Money raised in unlimited amounts by political parties for party building purposes. Would not have any limits. Is now largely illegal. Prohibited by the McCain-Feingold Act McCain-Feingold Act-> mainly aimed at making soft money illegal Loopholes 527 groups -> political groups w/o money limits because they are not campaigning for a specific person 501(c) groups -> groups exempted from reporting contributions. Cant spend more than half their funds on campaigns

9 S&J (2 min) What is this cartoon saying campaign reform?
This cartoon is saying that campaign reform _________________ According to the cartoon, is reform good or bad? According to the cartoon, reform is _____________. This is evidenced by ____________.

10 TPS (1 min) What is this cartoon saying campaign reform?
This cartoon is saying that campaign reform _________________ According to the cartoon, is reform good or bad? According to the cartoon, reform is _____________. This is evidenced by ____________.

11 Exit Ticket How have campaign finance laws reshaped presidential campaigns? Has it been effective or has it encouraged different methods of going around the rules?

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