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How to Use Home Inventory Pro 2011® Household manager

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1 How to Use Home Inventory Pro 2011® Household manager
By Rick Loenser Linda Hansen Dawn Johnson Jennifer Jaquays

2 Location The first item that you will determine is location
You may have more than one location that you keep inventory. (Radium Technologies, 2011).

3 Inventory The program has three options under this heading.
Create: When you create an item, you are adding inventory from your home. i.e. computer Search: This feature allows you to search the database of your specific inventory. Work with inventory: This specific option allows you to edit, adjust, or delete an item. (Radium Technologies, 2011)

4 Report Under this heading there are two features
View a Report: This feature allows the user to see a detailed list of the inventory items in a list format Create an inventory Catalog: This option creates a booklet or folders of the individual reports. (Radium Technologies, 2011).

5 Tools There are three options under this heading
Backup your data: This feature allows the user to place data in a backup location. i.e. flash drive, CD, or backup hard drive Security for your data: Setting a database password is encouraged for security purposes Scan barcodes: This feature allows the user to enter all the data via barcode. (Radium Technologies, 2011).

6 Help This heading offers three features: View the Help file:
This tutorial will get you started in the right direction with establishing a starting point. View the demo videos: Will help you determine just how you want to use Home Inventory Pro Open a support ticket: The login feature allow you to open or view a support ticket. (Radium Technologies, 2011)

7 . In conclusion, this program is the most advanced system for organizing your home inventory (Radium Technologies, 2011). This program will allow the user to keep a detailed account of assets. Keeping organized will make for lots of smiles in the years to come.

8 Resources Radium Technologies, Inc. (2011). Home Inventory Pro 2011®. Retrieved from

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