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Journal # 2 - APPEARANCES

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1 Journal # 2 - APPEARANCES
Write about appearances in our culture. How can people be outsiders based on their appearances? To what length will people go, to fit into society and be thought of as attractive? Are people too obsessed with appearances? We watched the video, “Girl, You Don’t Need Makeup” – respond to the video. “Appearance isn’t everything” –respond

2 Journal # 3- Design a Utopia
Create a “sales pitch” for a perfect world. Convince others that the world would be a better place if it were the way you describe it. Include the following: Name of your Utopia and its location in the world - Give reasoning for both Occupants – Who lives there? Is it equal? Housing & Economy – Where and how do people live? Is the economy free or regulated? Government – Who’s in charge? Laws/Rules; Social Rules? What’s allowed & not allowed? Consequences – What happens to those who don’t abide by your utopian rules and laws? (outsiders and outcasts)

3 Journal # 4 – Look Up Respond to the video Look Up by Gary Turk, that we watched in class. What is the author’s primary message? In what areas do you agree with the author? In what areas do you disagree with the author? How can you change your behavior now to change things that might happen in your future?

4 Journal # 5 Content for weeks 3-5
Write down everything you can remember from this class for the last 3 weeks. Start with what we learned and then move on to other things. Use your notes.

5 Journal # 6- Parents Discuss the topic of parents and teenagers in our culture. Do you think teenagers are misunderstood? Are teenagers outsiders or outcasts to their parents? Is it hard being a teen? Why? Do your parents ever make you mad? Why? How? What is the biggest disagreement/ argument between you and your parent(s)? If you have children, how will you treat your teenager?

6 Journal #7- Procrastination
Reflect on the video Stop Wasting Time by Gary Turk that we watched in class. Do you tend to procrastinate? What types of things do you put off? What do you do instead? How would your life be different if you were to apply Mr. Turk’s message to your life? What are two things you can do in the next 24 hours to stop wasting time?

7 Journal #8- BIZARRE FOODS
Discuss the topic of bizarre foods. Would you eat a food that’s strange to you? What’s a food that you eat that others might think is gross or weird? Describe what the food is and how it’s prepared. Why do you think other cultures eat different foods than you?

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