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Veterinary Medical Terminology

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1 Veterinary Medical Terminology
Candice Robinson, BAS, LVT Vet Tech Institute of Houston

2 Student Introductions
Welcome! Who are you? Your name Your veterinary experience One interesting fact about yourself one question you have for me?

3 Who am I? Name I’m a Licensed Veterinary Technician or LVT
Mrs. Candice Robinson or Mrs. Rob I’m a Licensed Veterinary Technician or LVT AAS in Veterinary Technology from MCC became RVT in 2007 2014 change from RVT to LVT BAS Veterinary Technology from TSU in May 2018 15 years experience in a variety of settings (General practice, Emergency & Critical Care, Specialty “Dermatology, Internal Medicine “& Zoological) Something you should know about me I don’t like liars or cheaters I’m fluent in ASL I am passionate about the work we do

4 Intro. To veterinary medical Terminology
Syllabus Highlights & Course Outline

5 veterinary medical Terminology
Syllabus My info Course Description and Objectives Grading Professionalism points Attendance Make-up Exams Final Exams Course Outline Review Course Calendar

6 veterinary medical Terminology
Syllabus: My Info Instructor: Mrs. Candice Robinson, LVT, BAS  Contact Information: Website: Advisement/Office Hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays by individual appointment or group. If you receive a request to attend advisement or you request advisement and do not come to advisement, it can affect your professionalism grade. Advisement is NOT to reprimand you for your grades, but to HELP you succeed.

7 veterinary medical Terminology
Syllabus: Course Description/objectives Course Description Course objectives The student will learn word parts, directional terminology, and analysis of common veterinary terms. The student will be able to define, apply, and analyze common veterinary terms. (Lecture 32; Lab 0; Ext 0; Total Clock Hours:  32/ Semester Credit Hours: 2) Prerequisite: None Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to: Describe and apply appropriate animal terminology. Identify and define medical prefixes. Identify and define medical root words and combining forms. Identify and define medical suffixes. Describe different parts and meanings of a word to build medical terms.

8 Syllabus: Grades Grade will be calculated based on the total number of points received by the student. Example: Possible 1000 points. Student obtains 850/1000 points. 850 / 1000 x 100 = 85% grade Please allow 3-4 school days for grades to be posted. No makeup times will be given for quizzes, pop quizzes, homework, or classroom assignment grades. Late work will not be accepted.

9 Veterinary medical Terminology
Syllabus: Professionalism points Points will be removed from the student’s overall Professionalism score at the instructor’s discretion. Points may or may not be given back to the student at the instructor’s discretion. Are you disruptive or sleeping in class? Are you prepared for class or labs? Do you come to advisement when/if requested by yourself or your instructor?

10 Veterinary medical Terminology
Syllabus: Attendance Daily attendance will impact your final calculated grade in this class in several ways: You are allowed 2 absences during the 8 weeks of this course (for any reason). More than 2 absences (excused or unexcused) will result in a deduction from your final calculated grade in the class. An absence is defined as missing at least 15 minutes of any class period (at any time during the class). Any student asked to leave a class for performance reasons will be marked as an unexcused absence for that day.

11 Veterinary medical Terminology
Syllabus: Attendance Cont… In addition, absences/tardies not communicated to the instructor(s) BEFORE they happen will impact your classroom professionalism score. Tardies are recorded for absences more than 15 minutes from the time the class starts. 3 tardies = 1 absence Tardies on days of quizzes/tests will be allowed at the teacher’s discretion. You will not be given extra time.

12 veterinary medical Terminology
Syllabus: Test/exams Test/exams Tests will consist of multiple choice, true/false, and fill-in-the- blank. Post Test review is available by scheduling advisement Any student who shares any information regarding topics, format, or test questions with another student is cheating, and subject to significant penalties and disciplinary action. Cheating will not be tolerated. Makeup exams In the event of an absence regardless of the reason, the student must notify the instructor prior to the absence and tests will be made up at the time of the final exam for a maximum of 70% (30% deduction) unless otherwise excused by school director.

13 veterinary medical Terminology
Course outline A calendar will be attached to the syllabus on my website for a “tentative” schedule of the term contents and structure. Please be advised, the instructor will adjust as seen fit at any time for both labs and lectures. A term project may be assigned. Topic of term project TBD. It is recommended the student is to assume a quiz can be given at any time in class over materials covered. Students are responsible for individual reading of the textbook. It is strongly recommended the student read ahead. Any content of the chapters is eligible to be on a quiz or test.

14 Classroom rules Conduct, Electronics, & coursework

15 Classroom rules Conduct
Vet Tech Institute Uniform must always be worn, unless information is provided to the student for a special occasion. Students will be asked to wear a type of digital or second-hand watch. No hats, no hoods, no Beanies. Sleeping in class will NOT be tolerated. The instructor may request the student to be excused from class and marked absent at their discretion. We are all here to acquire knowledge. Time is important. If a student is excused from class because of sleeping, they will be marked absent. Professionalism points will also be lost.

16 Classroom rules Conduct
No eating or drinking (other than water in an approved container) No background chatter. Please ask me any questions you may have. do not hold separate conversations while I’m lecturing or talking with students. Respectful and professional attitudes towards myself and each other. This is a safe place, no question is a stupid question and no one should be judging anyone, as we are all learning together.

17 Classroom rules Cell phones, Laptops, & Smart Watches; OH MY!
Must be silenced or on vibrate and put away unless being used for class purposes when the teacher requires them. If caught on your cell phone during class without permission you will lose professionalism points, the second time you will be asked to leave and marked absent & will lose professionalism points. No Pictures are allowed to be taken of any material presented during class.

18 Classroom rules Cell phones, Laptops, & Smart Watches; OH MY!
Laptops/Tablets Will be permitted for note taking only WITH PRIOR PERMISSION! If student is caught doing something other than taking notes during lecture, this privilege will be revoked and . Smart Watches Should be silenced or on vibrate and will not be allowed to be worn during a quiz or test. Ear buds/head phones Are not allowed, put them away.

19 Classroom rules Coursework Homework
No late homework is accepted No make-ups are offered on homework or in-class assignments Quizzes, Slide ID Exams, Practical Exam (not written) No make-ups will be offered Written Exams All missed exams, excused or unexcused, will be made up during the same period as the midterm or final exam, with no extra time given. The maximum score to earned is a 70% (a 30% deduction from the overall score).

20 Start reading Chapter 1 & 2 in your Textbooks
First assignment Review, Print, and sign the last page of the syllabus; turn it in at the start of class tomorrow. Start reading Chapter 1 & 2 in your Textbooks


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