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Transmitted by the Co-Chairs

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1 Transmitted by the Co-Chairs
VMAD-02-10 No task4’s but 4 tasks

2 Objective/Approach Elaborate 4 issues which are the essence for VMAD You are free to choose your preferred issue, however try to spread as much as possible over issues of more than one persons from an organisation/country is attending Each group will have 1,5 hour to elaborate the issue, and decides who reports plenary If there are several options, describe these options and motivate the preference or usecase

3 4 issues for validation methods
Describe as much as objectives for validation methods as possible and if possible, order these in subgroups/levels Describe all relevant assessment methods including the essential characteristics The current safety strategy for validation methods is to prevent foreseeable and preventable accidents. Work out the criteria for foreseeable and preventable Describe a minimum set of relevant testscenario’s and if possible, indicate for which assesment method(s) scenario’s can be applied

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