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Point 6.1 of the agenda Advisory group for land cover/use statistics

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1 Point 6.1 of the agenda Advisory group for land cover/use statistics
Working Party “Cooperation on Land Cover/Use Statistics” 7 – 8 June 2010 1

2 Content Purpose Members Timing issues

3 For what purpose? to discuss strategic issues linked to land cover/use statistics: from concepts to collect, production and dissemination to support Eurostat in identifying the best approach for setting up a system of harmonised land cover/use statistics at European level Role of the national data Role of sector data Role of LUCAS

4 For what purpose? to assure as wide as possible use of the already available data to strengthen the co-operation between the levels: EU – national – regional to pass in a regular and efficient way the user needs to Eurostat in the domain of land cover and land use statistics to disseminate the data efficiently

5 Who will join the group? Eurostat will chair the group
Representatives of the member states: Members should represent different countries and domains: North-south Those with a lot of data – those with few data sources Domains: Land cover statistics – agriculture – environment – spatial dimension

6 Who will join the group? Main data user DGs and institutions:
DG ENV DG AGRI DG REGIO DG JRC EEA Other possible members: Other international institutions (OECD, FAO etc.)

7 How the group will be set up?
SCAS and DIMESA members are invited to make proposals SCAS May 2010: BU, DE, ES, FI, GR and HU (names provided) and IT (general expression of interest) countries are invited to propose persons Eurostat will send invitations to the main user institutions Ideal size members Possible to invite ad hoc members and experts

8 Timing First meeting is scheduled for October 2010
The names of the members should be know by latest in early September

9 Thank you for your attention!

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