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How do Leaves Help a Plant?

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Presentation on theme: "How do Leaves Help a Plant?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How do Leaves Help a Plant?
Ch. 4 Lesson 1 How do Leaves Help a Plant?

2 Does the direction seeds are planted affect the direction the roots grow?
Collect information- seeds need water, roots need nutrients, roots act like straws sucking up water, roots anchor a plant Hypothesis- I think that ____________ Procedure- See pgs Observations-

3 leaves make most of plant’s food are organs - made of cells & tissues

4 type of tissue that carries food & water to the plant
vessel tissue type of tissue that carries food & water to the plant

5 epidermis outer layer vessel tissue stoma Parts of a leaf

6 photosynthesis process plants use to make sugar (food)
carbon dioxide + water + sunlight energy oxygen + sugar

7 photosynthesis Sugar

8 cellular respiration use oxygen with food to get energy for growth, repairs & reproduction


10 chloroplasts - give plants their green color - where photosynthesis happens
YouTube video-Chloroplasts

11 starch plants join many sugars for long term storage of food

12 formed when 1,000’s of sugars combine makes plants cell walls
cellulose formed when 1,000’s of sugars combine makes plants cell walls Scanning electron micrograph of wood cellulose

13 Photosynthesis song

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