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helios Sun *helioscope-(skopeo-look)-telescope for looking at the sun

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Presentation on theme: "helios Sun *helioscope-(skopeo-look)-telescope for looking at the sun"— Presentation transcript:

1 helios Sun *helioscope-(skopeo-look)-telescope for looking at the sun
#51 Sun *helioscope-(skopeo-look)-telescope for looking at the sun *heliometer-(metron-measure)-instrument for measuring the diameter of the sun

2 sol Sun #52 *Solar – pertaining to the sun
*Solstice – (sisto, statum-set, cause to stand ) – stopping of standing still of the sun

3 luna moon *Lunar—of or pertaining to the moon
#53 moon *Lunar—of or pertaining to the moon *Lunatic—mad; affected by the moon

4 dia #54 through *diagnosis – (gnosis – knowledge)- analysis through knowledge *diagram – (graph—write, draw) – a cross-section drawing

5 Across, over, beyond, through
trans #55 Across, over, beyond, through *transaction—(ago, actum- do, drive)—trade, exchange *transform—(formo, formatum—form, shape)—change over to a different form

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