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Unit 2 Vocabulary Honors 9th Lit Fall 2017.

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1 Unit 2 Vocabulary Honors 9th Lit Fall 2017

2 Ameliorate-verb Verb to improve to make better
to worsen

3 Aplomb-noun Noun poise assurance great self-confidence

4 Bombastic-adjective Adjective pompous overblown in language inflated
plain austere

5 Callow-adjective Adjective Class of 2022 without experience immature
lacking sophistication and poise inexperienced sophisticated

6 Epitome-noun a summary condensed account represents a larger reality
Model The very essence

7 Intrinsic-adjective belonging to someone or something by its very nature essential inherent

8 Lassitude-noun weariness of body or mind lack of energy fatigue
lethargy energy vitality

9 Permeate-verb to spread through penetrate soak through

10 Stringent-adjective strict severe sharp or bitter to the taste tough
lenient lax

11 Surmise- verb to think or believe without certain supporting evidence

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