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Climate Change.

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Presentation on theme: "Climate Change."— Presentation transcript:

1 Climate Change

2 Climate Variability vs. Climate Change
Changes over seasons and years; yearly fluctuations (above or below) long-term average 30 yr average : “climatological normals” Example Duluth climate normals There is significant variability around these normals Example: normal daily max temp for Duluth on Apr 30 is 56.6 but not every Apr 30 in had a max temp of 56.6 This year to year fluctuation around the normal is climate variability

3 In addition to averages, ranges are part of climatological normals.

4 Climate variability is caused by (for example) :
Volcanic eruptions which can have a cooling effect. El Nino-La Nina , cause snowy/ non-snowy , warm / cold winters in Duluth. SHORT-TERM!

5 2. Climate Change long-term continuous change to normals (averages, ranges). long term : many decades slow, gradual requires scientific (or other) records

6 Causes of Climate Change
“Climate Forcings” Natural or anthropogenic disturbances to global energy balance. Positive forcing: induces an increase in global mean surface temperature Negative forcing: induces a decrease

7 Climate forcing 1. Plate tectonics geologic time scales
Changing continent, ocean sizes & locations, changing atmospheric composition, changing sizes and locations of mountain ranges Change atmospheric and oceanic circulation Examples….

8 300-360 million years ago current
If there is more land at higher latitudes, ocean currents are affected and heat transport system is altered; more glacial ice at higher latitudes , albedo is higher and temperatures cool. Also when plates are moving there is more volcanic activity which can release more CO2

9 Triassic 200-250 million years ago
Aridity, monsoons, humid regions

10 Over past few million years, Tibetan Plateau and Himalayas have been rising, causing increased aridity in western China and central Asia

11 Climate forcing Milankovitch forcings “Wiggle” “Wobble” “Stretch”
2. Astronomical periodicities Milankovitch forcings “Wiggle” “Wobble” “Stretch”

12 “Wiggle”: obliquity Tilt of Earth’s axis changes Strength of seasons
22.1° – 24.5° Strength of seasons Especially High latitude variation in insolation 41,000 year periods


14 “Wobble”: precession Earth’s axis wobbles
Changes timing of perihelion and aphelion Timing and intensity of seasons 27,000 yr periods


16 On Jan 4, earth is 3% closer to sun than on July 4


18 “Stretch”: eccentricity
Shape of earth’s eccentric orbit changes Changes the intensity of solar radiation received at aphelion and perihelion 100,000 yrs


20 Effect of these three: Global temperature fluctuations of ± 2 – 5 degrees C per 10,000 yrs match closely with glacial-interglacials over past 100,000 yrs


22 Animation of Milankovitch cycles

23 Ch 1: pp. 12-24 Ch. 2: pp. 35-50 seasons Ch. 3: pp. 56-69
Book Stuff for Test Ch 1: pp Ch. 2: pp seasons Ch. 3: pp Ch 4: pp

24 Climate Forcing Sunspot cycle 11 year
3. Solar Variability Sunspot cycle 11 year ± 1 W/m2 change in solar constant (1372 W/m2) Effects UV radiation Example: Maunder Minimum : period of reduced sunspot activity; global temp decrease of 0.5 C Sunspot activity


26 Climate Forcing 4. Volcanic Eruptions Big, explosive eruptions can inject dust and sulfur dioxide into stratosphere. change into sulfuric acid droplets that reflect (backscatter)solar radiation Causes global average cooling of tenths of a degree C 1-2 years following eruption. Mt Pinatubo 1991 example Not all volcanoes are explosive enough to reach stratosphere; not all have high SO2

27 Aerosol content around globe before and after June 1991
Pinatubo eruption. (Red is higher aerosol content).


29 Climate forcing 5. Human-Induced changes Atmospheric composition (increased concentration of GG and aerosols) Land use/ Land cover changes (urban surfaces, agricultural practices, deforestation, overgrazing)

30 Timescale Differences of Forcings
Plate tectonics : millions Astronomical (Milankovitch) : 10s of 1000s These are irrelevant when looking at past 100 years Solar, Volcanic, Anthropogenic : relevant to short timescales

31 Radiative Forcing and Radiative Feedback

32 Radiative Forcing Globally and annually averaged changes in radiation balance at top of atmosphere. Plate tectonics and Milankovitch are not radiative forcings Solar, volcanic, anthropogenic are radiative forcings

33 A;BEDO! Top of the atmosphere 70 IN 70 OUT 12 58 104 23 58 98 116 47

34 GG : positive radiative forcing agent
Sun’s energy : positive radiative forcing agent Volcanic eruptions : negative radiative forcing agent Anthropogenic: more longwave is absorbed by atmosphere and less goes out to space

35 Quantifying radiative forcing
How much a forcing factor alters global and annual average radiation balance at top of atmosphere, relative to 1750 (beginning of Industrial Revolution) In 2011, estimated radiative forcing from anthropogenic = 2.29 Wm-2 from Fifth IPCC report

36 Mechanism of Greenhouse Warming
1. the simple explanation:

37 Increased green-house gas concentration:
More of the longwave emitted from surface is absorbed by atmosphere and less goes out to space. Net solar incoming exceeds longwave loss: Increased temperature

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