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Outlining a paper How to do it?.

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Presentation on theme: "Outlining a paper How to do it?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Outlining a paper How to do it?

2 Outlining Outlining is a great way to start your paper.
Papers have three main parts: Introduction Body Conclusion Outline using this method…

3 Introduction Brief opening statement Directly answer the question

4 Body Longest part Give examples Examples should be important
And interesting

5 Conclusion Restate your answer Give some interesting remark

6 Outlining example – Importance of using correct written communication styles
Introduction Thesis: “Using the correct written communication style remains paramount to any given situation; it is in this light that all written communication styles are important and varied in their form and function.” Body Point 1 – Source Point 2 – Source Point 3 – Source Point 4 – Source Point 5 – Source Conclusion Restate Thesis: “Therefore, using the correct written communication style allows for individuals to better communicate their feelings and intentions via written form.”

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