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4th Grade Endangered Animals PowerPoint Project

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1 4th Grade Endangered Animals PowerPoint Project
Condors 4th Grade Endangered Animals PowerPoint Project By: Iris Li (condors are cool!)

2 Habitat/food Condors live in the mountains.
These birds eat dead animals(Condors are vultures, which are birds of prey) Condors don’t kill their prey. They find animals that are already dead.

3 Description of a condor
Condors have a wing span of 8 to 9 and a half feet. These large vultures weigh up to 23 pounds! Black feathers cover most of an adult condor’s body. They have bald heads. A collar of feathers circle the base of a condor’s neck.

4 Reasons why they are endangered and how to fix this problem
Many condors were shot by hunters. Some condors died from poison. We can build more zoos and put tags on condors so the hunters won’t shoot them.

5 I am a chick-a baby condor!
Fun facts Skeleton of a condor Baby condors are called chicks. Condors can see and hear well, but they have a weak sense of smell. Condors usually flap their wings once an hour when they’re flying. They are ugly and they are basically the opposite of paradise birds. I am a chick-a baby condor!

6 THE end!!!!!!!!!!!!!

7 Wait! Sorry, I lied. This is not the end.
I’m sorry!

8 Photos!!!!

9 BOOKS: condors (animals that live in the mountains)
work cited BOOKS: condors (animals that live in the mountains)

10 The end!!!!! (for real this time)

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