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Structure and Function

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1 Structure and Function
Bacteria Structure and Function

2 Characteristics of Bacteria

3 Bacterial Structure 18. Microscopes are used to view prokaryotes
19. No nucleus or membrane-bound organelles 20. Contain ribosomes(yes) 21. Single, circular chromosome in nucleoid region

4 Bacterial Cell 23. 22.

5 Protection Cell Wall made of 24. Peptidoglycan
May have a sticky 25. coating called the Capsule for attachment to host or other bacteria

6 Sticky Bacterial Capsule

7 Bacterial Structure Have small rings of DNA called Plasmids(26.)
Unicellular Small in size 27.(0.5 to 2μm) PLASMIDS


9 Bacterial Structure Most grow best at 31. pH of 6.5 to 7.0
32. Many act as decomposers recycling nutrients 33. Some cause disease

10 33. Staphylococcus Bacterial

11 Useful Bacteria 34. Other uses for bacteria include making yogurt, cheese, and buttermilk.

12 Pili 42. Short protein appendages 43. Smaller than flagella

13 Bacterial Shapes

14 Shapes Are Used to Classify
45 a. Bacillus: Rod shaped b. Coccus: Spherical (round) c. Vibrio: Comma shaped with flagella d. Spirillum: Spiral shape e. Spirochete: wormlike spiral shape

15 Grouping of Bacteria 46. a. Diplo- Groups of two b. Strepto- chains
c. Staphylo- Grapelike clusters




19 Diplococcus

20 Streptococcus Causes Strep Throat

21 Staphylococcus


23 48.Bacillus - E. coli

24 Streptobacilli

25 Spirillum

26 Spirochetes

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