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Presentation on theme: "April 6, 2015 TURN IN YOUR SERVICE HOURS PAPERS. Look at"— Presentation transcript:

1 April 6, 2015 TURN IN YOUR SERVICE HOURS PAPERS. Look at the paper you were given and follow directions.

2 The Jim Crow Era

3 WHO IS JIM CROW? The origin of the phrase "Jim Crow" has often been attributed to The words from the song, ”Jump Jim Crow as it appeared in sheet music written by Thomas Dartmouth "Daddy" Rice a white actor who. performed a song-and-dance caricature of African Americans performed in blackface. Jim Crow

4 Plessy v Ferguson----1896 “Separate But Equal”
Louisiana, 1888, Homer Plessy, (7/8 white) purchased a first class ticket on the train and tried to take his seat in the white section and was ordered to the “colored” section. He refused to comply and was jailed Plessy argued that his civil rights, guaranteed under the 14th amendment to the United States Constitution had been violated Court legally endorsed the practice of racial segregation and established a new idea in America-the concept of “separate but equal,” States could legally segregate the races in public accommodations, as long as an effort was made to provide “equal” facilities for both races Plessy v Ferguson “Separate But Equal” In most instances, the Black facilities were grossly inferior -- generally, older, less-well-kept. In other cases, there were no Black facilities -- no Colored public restroom, no public beach, no place to sit or eat.

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